Episode Transcript
[00:00:03] Speaker A: It's effective immediately. We are officially checked in. It's DJ Hepp.
[00:00:07] Speaker B: What up, hip hop nation? It's your favorite homegirl, Gina views.
[00:00:10] Speaker A: And Gina views is fresh off an airplane. She just got back from. Where were you at?
[00:00:14] Speaker B: I was in Cancun and actually enjoyed myself. Shout out to raising canes.
[00:00:18] Speaker A: Okay.
[00:00:19] Speaker B: Learned some very inspiring stories. Got even a chance to see Uncle Snoop.
[00:00:23] Speaker A: You out to see Snoop?
[00:00:24] Speaker B: Snoop performed out there?
Yep, yep, yep. I went to some clubs, did some activities.
Like I said, heard a very inspirational story from the owner of raising canes. This year is actually his 20th anniversary since he started the company. And I actually met someone else who very, very, very historical person.
[00:00:47] Speaker A: Who?
[00:00:47] Speaker B: Hurricane Helen.
[00:00:49] Speaker A: Hurricane Helen.
[00:00:50] Speaker B: Hurricane Helen. This is actually my first time out the country, and I experienced a hurricane, so Lax ain't gotta worry about me.
[00:01:00] Speaker A: So wait, it was a hurricane that came through Cancun?
[00:01:02] Speaker B: Yeah. So our first, like, two days, like, it was beautiful. We swam, we was in the beach, we was in a pool, drank a lot of alcohol, and then by, like, the third day, it started getting a little windy outside, and, yeah, it was a hurricane.
[00:01:17] Speaker A: So did. Did you have a heads up or, like.
[00:01:20] Speaker B: Okay. So I did check the weather ahead of time, and I actually took a screenshot and sent it to tell you. I said, girl, say it's gonna be raining out there. She said, oh, don't worry about it. That's just how Mexico is.
[00:01:28] Speaker A: Oh, like, Florida. Like, it's just randomly raining.
[00:01:31] Speaker B: She says, don't randomly rain, and then the sun gonna come back out. That's just how it is.
[00:01:35] Speaker A: And that didn't happen?
[00:01:36] Speaker B: No, I mean, it did happen. The sun never came back out, but it was, like, randomly raining, but then it was, like, a whole bunch of wind.
[00:01:42] Speaker A: So how the fuck did you fly home on the plane with the hurricane?
[00:01:45] Speaker B: Well, I got to the airport, and my flight had actually been delayed three times.
So we finally got on the plane and come to find out it was delayed because the Chicago flight wasn't able to land in Mexico. So the flight was going from Chicago to Mexico. Mexico to Los Angeles. But, yeah, LAx ain't never got to worry about seeing me again. Burbank, Ontario airport, nobody. I'm not getting back on no plane.
[00:02:09] Speaker A: So you would drive through the hurricane?
[00:02:10] Speaker B: No, I'm not traveling no more. I'm already scared to fly as it is.
[00:02:15] Speaker A: Oh. In general, yeah.
[00:02:16] Speaker B: I don't like flying.
[00:02:17] Speaker A: Hmm. Well, you know, girls. Girls be getting fluid out.
[00:02:20] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
[00:02:21] Speaker A: Girls of your. Of your ilk.
[00:02:23] Speaker B: What's my ilk.
[00:02:29] Speaker A: So, yeah, we got an interesting show for you. Hip hop nation. Keep it locked right here. Definitely gotta speak on this diddy thing. A lot's transpired, a lot of misinformation being spewed on the stream. So we gonna correct those behaviors right after this. Glorilla and Gunna is hip hop nation effective immediately? Effective immediately. With DJ head and Gina views like.
[00:02:49] Speaker B: You put these motherfucking glasses on and he start talking like ti. He just using big words for nothing. On hip hop nation.
[00:02:55] Speaker A: That was that future on your radio. It's effective immediately on hip hop nation. I'm DJ head.
[00:02:59] Speaker B: It's your favorite homegirl, Gina Views.
[00:03:01] Speaker A: Now, our guy, our guy of the culture, his name is Sean Puffy Combs. Sean P. Diddy Combs, aka Diddy, has been indicted. We all know the story. We haven't really been speaking on it because we haven't had all information. Okay? Now, a lot of information has been on the Internets and on the streams and on the wires saying this, that. And third, there was charges filed. He did, in fact, get arrested. And he is currently incarcerated at a facility called MDC Brooklyn. Yes, MDC Brooklyn. Allegedly, he hadn't been eating because he was afraid of being poisoned. That rumor has been dispelled. Shout out to TMZ. But now, a sex worker, a male sex worker, has allegedly turned in a sex tape to the authorities about a freak off, apparent freak off that happened last year. 2023 ish, give or take.
[00:04:00] Speaker B: Is there not like a scientific term for freak off? Cause every time they say freak off on the news, I chuckle on the inside. Like, I don't think the news reporters are supposed to be using the terms freak off.
[00:04:09] Speaker A: Well, that just goes to show the expertise of branding that puff has established over the years. Because he's branded this.
[00:04:18] Speaker B: You remember fuck it Fridays?
[00:04:20] Speaker A: No, I don't remember that. What's that?
[00:04:23] Speaker B: He just used to hop on the Internet every Friday and say, it's fucking Fridays.
[00:04:27] Speaker A: Oh, no, this was this year, too. He's a marketing maven.
[00:04:30] Speaker B: Absolutely.
[00:04:31] Speaker A: And so, you know, I assume that's why the people of all these different platforms just referred to as a freak off.
[00:04:37] Speaker B: Freak off on the news is crazy, though.
[00:04:39] Speaker A: Yeah, I did see, when I saw.
[00:04:40] Speaker B: It on Fox News, I'm like, they keep saying. And they'll keep saying until a freak off.
[00:04:44] Speaker A: It was like, bro, don't say it. That ain't.
[00:04:46] Speaker B: Quit saying that.
[00:04:47] Speaker A: Yeah, you saying it with no seasoning. Yeah, not that you.
[00:04:53] Speaker B: Anyway, season in the freak off is crazy. But go ahead.
[00:04:56] Speaker A: Yeah. And then I saw a lot of memes that been flying over the last ten days.
[00:05:01] Speaker B: 50 been getting his off.
[00:05:03] Speaker A: What do you mean?
[00:05:04] Speaker B: 50 been posting a bunch of memes?
[00:05:06] Speaker A: Oh, yeah.
I did see the baby oil thing. I think that was an AI thing or wasn't real, but there was.
[00:05:14] Speaker B: You seen a diddy oil?
[00:05:16] Speaker A: Yes. 50 is a diabolical cancer. And I mean, from a zodiac perspective. Like, he's a cancer man. He's petty.
[00:05:24] Speaker B: Did you see da baby buy out all da baby oil?
[00:05:28] Speaker A: No, he did.
[00:05:30] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:05:30] Speaker A: See, and it's just like, we can't really take nothing serious.
[00:05:34] Speaker B: No, we black. Black people don't take nothing serious.
[00:05:37] Speaker A: So, um, yes, we. There are certain things that we joke about that we probably shouldn't, but it's for us to do, not for outsiders. The other thing that I saw you.
[00:05:47] Speaker B: Talking to, the yt's.
[00:05:48] Speaker A: Yes, the whites. The other thing that I didn't necessarily make light of was I did see that the kids all came together and posted their thoughts on their late mother, Kim Porter, and her name being dragged through this and stuff like that. And I was like, yeah, that's kind of, like, tasteless, I guess you could say.
I don't like the dead being dragged through stuff in general. The person's gone. Let him be gone.
[00:06:15] Speaker B: I saw Alby short came out and spoke on it, too, but I was happy to see that the kids did speak up and say something. Cause that's kinda much what we all been waiting for.
[00:06:24] Speaker A: Yeah.
[00:06:24] Speaker B: To hear from them, somebody that's close to her or to, you know, the situation. Can you guys just come out and confirm or, you know, just say something about it? But two, we do have to respect what's going on. These kids lost a mom, and then, you know, they could be about to lose a father. Their dad's in jail. So I don't think anybody's taking into consideration what the rumors, what the headlines, what the tweets and all the posts are doing to them on the inside them emotionally now, is it.
[00:06:52] Speaker A: Do you know if he's for sure wants, like, I heard he was, like, anxious to talk about it or to tell the side of the story.
[00:06:59] Speaker B: Yeah. So his lawyer said that he wanted to get on the stage, I mean, on the stand and tell his story.
[00:07:04] Speaker A: Yeah, that's kind of.
[00:07:05] Speaker B: He said he's ready to get on the stand and tell his side of the story.
[00:07:09] Speaker A: That could get tricky.
[00:07:10] Speaker B: That could get very tricky, because, you know, according to the paperwork, there's videotapes, there are alleged other people that are, you know, involved in this, and we gotta remember they're calling it a RICO.
[00:07:22] Speaker A: Yeah.
[00:07:23] Speaker B: So there has to be other people involved. We don't know what. You seen new Jack City?
[00:07:27] Speaker A: Yeah.
[00:07:27] Speaker B: He might get up on the stand, like, I don't know, and just start.
[00:07:32] Speaker A: Just.
[00:07:32] Speaker B: Cause then that's too. What part of the story are you telling?
[00:07:35] Speaker A: Well, I. This is me speculating, and I don't know nothing. But me, I don't take him as the type of person will get up there and just start blurting off names and pointing fingers. I think he's gonna take the opportunity to defend himself. I don't see him being on that type of time.
[00:07:51] Speaker B: How do you defend yourself with video evidence?
[00:07:54] Speaker A: I don't. Listen, I'm not a judge or a lawyer. I don't know.
[00:07:57] Speaker B: That's what I'm saying. Like, I don't know what. Cause what else are you gonna get up, you know, on the stand and say, I don't think that the feds get involved without having too much evidence that isn't true or accurate?
[00:08:10] Speaker A: Yeah, I don't know. Let us know, hip hop nation. Let us know what you think. Do you take the stand in your own defense? That's always been, to my knowledge, people, lawyers, attorneys have advised against you getting on the stand because there's something called cross examination, which the prosecution gets to also talk to you and ask you questions.
[00:08:28] Speaker B: And those are experts.
[00:08:29] Speaker A: Yeah. And so you think, man, listen, I don't know. Let us know. If you were in his situation, if you were in this diddy situation, would you get on the stand and defend yourself? Let us know. Hit us up right now. Effective immediately, live on all platforms. Got some glorilla. Polo g coming right after this, effective immediately, with DJ head and Gina views.
[00:08:48] Speaker B: Like, you put these motherfucking glasses on and he start talking like ti. He just using big words for nothing on hip hop nation.
[00:08:54] Speaker A: Shout out to Glorilla, who's featured on that with Polo G. We can't wait for this glorilla albumen. At least I can't. Glorilla coming live in two weeks, so shout out to her. That glorious album is on the way. I'm DJ head.
[00:09:06] Speaker B: What up, hip hop nation? It's your favorite homegirl, Gina views. And I don't know what y'all doing, but if you're in your car, look outside, because according to space.com today, Sunday, we will get a second moon, and it comes in the form of a tiny asteroid called 2024 pt five.
And apparently this mini moon will orbit the planet for two months between September 29 to November 25 until it goes back to its original gravity.
[00:09:33] Speaker A: What's the name of it again?
[00:09:35] Speaker B: 2024 pt five.
[00:09:38] Speaker A: A white person named that for show?
[00:09:40] Speaker B: Well, only. I mean, only space.com, they don't got no niggas working at.
[00:09:43] Speaker A: But I'm just saying, like, a white person for show, like, they come up with names like Jackson.
[00:09:47] Speaker B: What would you.
[00:09:48] Speaker A: I'm just.
[00:09:49] Speaker B: There's a whole famous family with the last name Jackson.
[00:09:51] Speaker A: No, the first name be Jackson.
[00:09:55] Speaker B: What would you name the second moon?
[00:09:58] Speaker A: Second moon? What the fuck you mean?
[00:10:01] Speaker B: Moon two is crazy.
[00:10:03] Speaker A: Moon two. Like, it would be like.
[00:10:05] Speaker B: That's some nigga shit.
[00:10:06] Speaker A: Moon two? Yeah, moon Junior.
[00:10:08] Speaker B: That's like saying Friday three.
[00:10:11] Speaker A: Oh, so you want, like, Friday after next. You want, like, some clever. Yeah.
[00:10:14] Speaker B: Get we niggas. Like, you know. You gotta put some sauce on that motherfucker. Dress it up.
[00:10:18] Speaker A: So what would you call it?
[00:10:19] Speaker B: I don't know. I can't think on the spot like that. But if I worked for space, I'm sure I would have thought of some, like, some, you know, some classy shit, some cool shit.
[00:10:28] Speaker A: What about, like, that's really.
[00:10:30] Speaker B: That's the. That's the little homie what about that? That's the little homie.
[00:10:34] Speaker A: What about that, though? Yeah, little homie.
[00:10:36] Speaker B: Lil homie.
[00:10:37] Speaker A: What about that?
[00:10:38] Speaker B: Little moon?
[00:10:39] Speaker A: Oh, we can go infant moon. We can go street.
[00:10:41] Speaker B: We can go street. Infant moon.
[00:10:43] Speaker A: No, no, it would be. No, it'd be. It would be young moon.
[00:10:45] Speaker B: Young moon. Yeah, no, it'll be little moon.
[00:10:48] Speaker A: Cause it go baby young.
[00:10:50] Speaker B: Depending on what hood, though.
[00:10:51] Speaker A: You right.
[00:10:52] Speaker B: All hoods don't do the young.
[00:10:53] Speaker A: You right. So we can do like, baby.
[00:10:56] Speaker B: Baby moon.
[00:10:57] Speaker A: Baby moon.
[00:10:57] Speaker B: What up? Baby moon, cuz?
That nigga baby moon, cuz. Baby moon the loke.
[00:11:06] Speaker A: I think Baby Moon will work.
[00:11:07] Speaker B: Baby moon aloe.
[00:11:08] Speaker A: Especially if it's smaller. Unless it's mexican. Then the baby would be bigger than the regular one. You know what I'm saying? Cause, like, little joker be bigger than the big Joker. You know what I mean?
[00:11:16] Speaker B: Yeah. You took it somewhere.
This nigga took it somewhere.
[00:11:22] Speaker A: Anyway.
[00:11:24] Speaker B: What if it's white, though?
[00:11:25] Speaker A: Then it be Jackson.
[00:11:28] Speaker B: Get us the fuck up out of here.
[00:11:30] Speaker A: Yo, hit us up. Subscribe to the YouTube and all that, like, comment. Subscribe. Just search. Effective immediately, shout out to Corday and Lil Wayne that Saturday morning's cartoon. Also, I'm gonna be doing Pandora playback with him to celebrate his album. You didn't hear that from me. Keep it locked. It's effective immediately. Effective immediately. With DJ head and Gina views.
[00:11:51] Speaker B: Like, you put these motherfucking glasses on, he start talking like ti. He's just using big words for nothing on hip hop nation.
[00:11:57] Speaker A: Shout out to cash cobain on hip hop nation. It's effective immediately. I'm DJ hit what up, world?
[00:12:02] Speaker B: It's your favorite homegirl, Gina views.
[00:12:03] Speaker A: I got some offset and Don Tyler coming up for your listening pleasure.
[00:12:06] Speaker B: Speaking of offset.
[00:12:07] Speaker A: Mm. Oh, yeah.
[00:12:09] Speaker B: Hip hop nation. Is it okay that we get into some girl talk real quick?
[00:12:13] Speaker A: Go ahead.
[00:12:14] Speaker B: Yes, it is. Gina views.
So I hopped on Instagram yesterday. You know, I was at the airport. Delayed, delayed, delayed flights. Delayed. Cardi B was on live.
[00:12:23] Speaker A: Okay.
[00:12:24] Speaker B: Cardi B and Offset have officially called it quits now. If you remember, they did divorce a couple of months ago, actually. And she actually did just give birth to her third child.
[00:12:35] Speaker A: Yes.
[00:12:36] Speaker B: And she dropped some screenshots, some text messages, you know, between them too.
[00:12:41] Speaker A: She blew it up.
[00:12:42] Speaker B: You know, she kind of went hard. So she was just saying, like, you know, I'm the type of female who abides by street code. If I'm gonna go deal with somebody else, I'm not gonna go date your opps. Whereas offset, you have been attempting to. Or, you know, I don't know. I don't know what he's doing. But according to Cardi B, he's been, you know, trying to, like, date her opps and slash her opps. Yeah. And she said that he told her, like, you wanna see who I'm fucking? You wanna see who da da da, you know, like, who I've been getting cracking with? And, you know, she told him, like, I will never do what you're doing to me. I'll just go get a nigga that's better than you. So she was going off on live. Offset went in the live comments and said. He alleged. He alleged that she smashed somebody while she was pregnant.
[00:13:27] Speaker A: Yes.
[00:13:28] Speaker B: And I don't know. What are your thoughts on this dj head?
[00:13:32] Speaker A: This is a lot. You know what I'm saying?
[00:13:34] Speaker B: This is a lot.
[00:13:35] Speaker A: This is a lot to unpack. But I will say that I do have regard for offset. I like offset as a human. I like Cardi b a little bit more as a human just cause she's just very authentic. She's been the same since the beginning.
And I do have personal knowledge that Cardi B. Cardi B is like that in real life. I do know situations that she has been in while she was pregnant. And I don't mean, like, that, like, promiscuous. I meant, like, she's, like, really who she say she is. She don't make no excuses for who she is. And she really is an authentic person. And she will tell you how it is, what it is, what it is not. And I think that Offset has probably put himself in a situation he didn't anticipate. Cause he probably figured that she ain't finna really do it. You know what I'm saying?
No, like, pop off. I saw a tweet that she said, I told you I would spill my own tea. Like, I told you this already.
[00:14:33] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah. And so, well, she has nothing to hide.
[00:14:37] Speaker A: That's what makes her dangerous, is because she lives out loud. I look at her. Not dangerous, like, being fearful, but that's what makes her dangerous to somebody like him in their situation. Because she doesn't have. She don't play the shame game. She don't live in shame. And so at this point, it's like, how do you try to shame somebody who is unshamable?
[00:14:57] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:14:57] Speaker A: So that's kind of like the way I was thinking about it. The other part, though, this is the unfortunate part, and I gotta be that guy. But, you know, they got kids and family. Like, offset's a father of, what, six, seven at this point a lot. Something like that. Six or seven. Damn. He almost cut up to Nick.
So offset is a father of ain't.
[00:15:17] Speaker B: Nobody catching up to Nick.
[00:15:18] Speaker A: Yeah, that's true. That's true.
Nick got them. Michael Phelps.
So, like, being a father, there is a family dynamic that's being disrupted at this point, right, where they're separated. You have Cardi's three kids with him. But then she was also really good with his daughter and stuff like that, too, which they've showcased publicly. You know what I mean? And I think that it's unfortunate because these kids got phones, too.
[00:15:43] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:15:44] Speaker A: So, like, they're seeing all of this play out in the public, and that's kind of, like, where I'm looking at it. Like, ugh. Now, also, if your mom is Cardi B, you know what time it is? Like, I don't think the kids are like, I think they know. Especially if it's going down like this in public. I can only imagine what happened in the house.
[00:16:04] Speaker B: Yeah.
I wanna read a tweet or actually a comment that Offset said. So he commented on a post and he said, everybody can see. I don't want you. It's okay. I'm not talking about this. No mo. I love you all. Love you. Will be calling me after a couple months. You my bm. I won. Crying, laughing emoji.
[00:16:26] Speaker A: That's not. I wouldn't look at it like that.
[00:16:28] Speaker B: So he's, like, getting ridiculed online right now because it comes off as if you attempted to kind of, like, set her back by continuing to give her kids. And then your claim to fame is, well, I'm Cardi Bdez, baby daddy. Yeah, I won. I already got you. I already trapped you. I did what I could. You know, what needed to be done. I won. That's a little crazy.
[00:16:51] Speaker A: Yeah, it is. I just. I don't agree with it being played out in public, but I also know who Cardi B is, and she will tell you who she is.
[00:16:59] Speaker B: I don't agree with the public aspect. However, she's been embarrassed so much publicly.
[00:17:06] Speaker A: Facts.
[00:17:07] Speaker B: That it's like, if you continue to embarrass me publicly, at some point, you know, you keep poking a bear, I'm gonna attack.
[00:17:14] Speaker A: Yeah, I feel that.
[00:17:15] Speaker B: Yeah, it's like the girls that he date, you know, the girls he's cheated on her with, you know, all the situations and things that came out. There's literally a thread on twitter right now of the start to the end of their relationship and the thread is all the cheating. Yeah, that's fucked up.
[00:17:32] Speaker A: Now, let me ask you this. This is completely off Cardi and offset, but just as a woman, when you get with somebody like that, don't you kind of expect to get what you, you know, what you getting somebody like that? When you get with somebody who's famous and rich and has access to, like, does that come with the thought? Does that come with an expectation that they gonna do what they gonna do.
[00:17:53] Speaker B: Me, who I am? As Gina views, if I'm in a relationship with somebody of that stature, with motion, with, you know, the descendant public eye as my boyfriend, I might, you know, think that's coming. But the man who vowed before God to not do me wrong, no.
[00:18:09] Speaker A: Gotcha. All right, well, let's.
[00:18:10] Speaker B: They married.
[00:18:12] Speaker A: They didn't get married. They didn't have to do that.
[00:18:14] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:18:14] Speaker A: Let us know what you think. Hip hop nation hit us up at, effective immediately, live. Shout out to Big X. The plug is on your radio right now with the largest. Pause.
[00:18:22] Speaker B: Pause. What the fuck?
[00:18:26] Speaker A: Effective immediately with DJ head and Gina.
[00:18:29] Speaker B: Views like, you put these motherfucking glasses on and he start talking like ti. He's just using big words for nothing on hip hop nation.
[00:18:35] Speaker A: Shout out to glorilla. Looking forward to that album. It's effective immediately on hip hop nation. I'm DJ Hebb.
[00:18:41] Speaker B: I'm Gina views.
[00:18:42] Speaker A: Shout out to the homie Tyga. When I was on the shade room live about, I don't know, two weeks ago, there was an individual on there who made a snarky remark, very condescending comment about Tyga's music, saying 1300 people are enjoying Tyga's music. I'm here to let you know that Tyga has an official diamond song. Okay. Not only did that snarky remark travel across the Internet, but he also said that the west coast artists and people like myself don't respect southern artists. Gina views you being a tiger fan. I know you are. I know you like the song taste. I know you've played it or listened to it or bopped to it, whatever.
Who's on that song?
[00:19:23] Speaker B: Offset.
[00:19:24] Speaker A: Exactly. Offset is on that song. So that person's snarky comment about the west coast not respecting each other rappers has been dispelled. Also, I wanna point out that this is Offset's first, and I quote, first diamond record.
[00:19:37] Speaker B: Mm. Man, shout out to Tyga. Congratulations. Tyga won it in ones. He got hits. I absolutely love his set with YGi rolling loud. Them niggas got up there and did verses. That's been something that I have been championing for since.
What was it since versus when Bet did? It was like bet weekend and they did like Ray J, Mario Omarion, Bobby Valentino, all of them. And I said, we need that YG Tyga versus. And they found. They gave it to us and it was freaking amazing.
[00:20:07] Speaker A: Yes.
[00:20:08] Speaker B: Also, today is the one year anniversary since YG and Tyga dropped hit me when you leave the club. The playlist which came out. It came out last year. Yeah, yeah. But niggas do not get.
[00:20:19] Speaker A: That was with the one. What's the one with Lil Wayne on it?
The song with Lil Wayne on it.
[00:20:24] Speaker B: Oh, when he got the funyuns bar.
[00:20:27] Speaker A: That shit is so hard.
[00:20:28] Speaker B: Yeah, he had that funyuns bar, that shit fire. But yeah, shout out to Tyga. I feel like he don't give the credit that he deserved. Tyga got hits. Especially when, if you've ever been to a Tyga show or like I said, rolling loud and you hear the entire catalog, you forget. You forget. He not nothing to fuck with. And Tyga's also the radio cheat code facts niggas are going to get. They, you know, that's how, you know it was with Nate dog. People was putting Nate dog on hooks and stuff like that in verses. Tyga's the one that's getting artist radio play.
[00:20:54] Speaker A: Tyga can do. Tyga can do. An hour and a half set. Yep, straight up.
[00:20:59] Speaker B: And it's all bangers, bangers, all bankers. Shout out to Tyga, man.
[00:21:02] Speaker A: Congratulations, a diamond single. Also, don't want to overlook shout out to Ghazi and Nima and the whole team over there at Empire as well. I don't want Tina Davis, like, gentry, everybody over there. I don't want to overlook, you know, their contributions as well because it takes a whole team. So shout out to Tyga, though. I'm gonna try to get that in the mix as well right after this is effective immediately. Effective immediately with DJ head and Gina views.
[00:21:25] Speaker B: Like, you put these motherfucking glasses on and he start talking like Ti. He's just using big words for nothing on hip hop nation.
[00:21:31] Speaker A: Shout to JT. Waiting on that solo album. It's effective immediately. On hip hop nation.
[00:21:36] Speaker B: I'm DJ head, I'm Gina views, and I got some immediate bullshit for you guys. So I actually just discovered that the Five Heartbeats is not a real group due to a Twitter thread where somebody asked, like, what's the best televised tv band, movie band, or, you know, whatever. Someone commented on top of it and said the five Heartbeats movie was so good that people thought that it was a real group. So I have a bone to pick with my parents.
[00:22:03] Speaker A: So are they based on, like, a real group, though?
[00:22:06] Speaker B: I don't know. All I know is chat. GPT told me.
[00:22:08] Speaker A: No, it's not a real group. No. The name. No, it's not a real group.
[00:22:12] Speaker B: I saw people in the thread say that they did actually have songs played on the radio.
So I'm gonna call my daddy.
[00:22:19] Speaker A: Call your daddy.
[00:22:20] Speaker B: My daddy answer the phone.
Hello. Hi, daddy. You are live on hip hop Nation on Sirius XM right now on the radio. I got a question for you.
[00:22:33] Speaker A: You live on the radio?
[00:22:34] Speaker B: Live on the radio right now. I just got a question real quick.
[00:22:38] Speaker A: Okay.
[00:22:40] Speaker B: Is the five heartbeats a real group?
[00:22:43] Speaker A: Is the five heartbeats group?
That is a really good question.
[00:22:51] Speaker B: Y'all see why I was confused my whole life?
[00:22:54] Speaker A: Yep.
[00:22:55] Speaker B: Daddy, it's not a real group. It's not a biopic. Did you think it was a biopic?
[00:23:01] Speaker A: I didn't know the five heartbeats is not a real group.
[00:23:04] Speaker B: You just googled it?
[00:23:07] Speaker A: Yep.
[00:23:12] Speaker B: All right. I'm a. You bet.
I love you too.
[00:23:21] Speaker A: Yo.
[00:23:22] Speaker B: All right.
[00:23:23] Speaker A: That, bro.
That's crazy. So apparently, according to my research. Quick, quick. Research is based on a group called the dells okay.
[00:23:32] Speaker B: Okay. Okay.
[00:23:32] Speaker A: Yeah.
[00:23:33] Speaker B: I don't know who they are either.
[00:23:34] Speaker A: But yeah, so, okay. Like, we've dispelled the rumor. What's more bullshit?
[00:23:39] Speaker B: So some more media bullshit. So the Oakland hate Oakland A's hat was released, and it was immediately pulled down due to the.
You see the picture. So the a and this, you know, for the people who not. Who's not watching right now, you guys are listening. The a is on the right side of the hat, and then there's an apostrophe with an s in the middle, the center of the hat, and then on the left side is another s. So it's supposed to say Oakland A's, but it looks like ass.
[00:24:07] Speaker A: It does look like ass.
[00:24:08] Speaker B: So I want to know.
Dj head, you've been in corporate buildings. How does something like this become public without anybody in the room saying, you know what? Maybe we shouldn't drop this hat.
[00:24:18] Speaker A: That's when you don't have people who are authentically of the culture as a part of your ethos.
[00:24:23] Speaker B: But you don't gotta be a part of the culture to see us say ass on a hat.
[00:24:26] Speaker A: You don't.
You just gotta have eyes and retinas and corneas.
[00:24:30] Speaker B: These motherfuckers in there blind, who? Like, I really wanna know. The creative room, like, who?
[00:24:38] Speaker A: Okay, then you know what it remind me of those Disney movies back in the day where they would hide shit in the movie and they would just show it to us. Like, we didn't see, like, random stuff in these Disney movies. So it's probably like an Easter egg. Like that. You know, somebody thought they can get off.
[00:24:52] Speaker B: That's a big ass Easter egg.
[00:24:53] Speaker A: That's a big ass Easter egg.
[00:24:54] Speaker B: Yeah, it's clearly say Oakland ass and other immediate bullshit. So our governor, Governor Newsom, he signs a new law banning all plastic shopping bags at the grocery store. California grocery bags are completely banned now. So we have to go. Paper, no, plastic. And you know why this pissed me off?
[00:25:15] Speaker A: Why y'all use the bags to tie your hair up when you take a shower.
[00:25:19] Speaker B: That's my shower cap.
[00:25:20] Speaker A: I already figured that out. I seen that. I seen that and I was like, bro, what are you doing? Yeah, are you. Bro, I had mushrooms in that bag.
[00:25:30] Speaker B: No, no, no. I gotta put hair in this bag. I gotta protect this silk.
[00:25:34] Speaker A: Okay, so why not get something? So there's nothing else you could use?
[00:25:38] Speaker B: You could use a shower cap.
Yeah, but, you know, it's like, shower caps are like loofahs.
[00:25:45] Speaker A: I don't know the correlation they attract bacteria and bags from the grocery store. Don't.
[00:25:52] Speaker B: Yeah, but that's just one use. You can't keep a shower cap and keep putting a shower cap. Same shower cap on your face will break out. You ever see people that got all these bumps up here? That's cause they using the same scarf. They using the same.
[00:26:03] Speaker A: So you can't wash shower caps?
[00:26:06] Speaker B: No, it'll rip anything.
[00:26:08] Speaker A: Oh, I don't know how it works. I haven't been.
[00:26:11] Speaker B: I mean, unless you got Bougie and you got one of them, like, evergreen ones you can always use, you know, but you're not supposed to use the same anything every day. Towel, scarf. You supposed to change your.
[00:26:20] Speaker A: So just so I'm clear on how this works, you go to food for less, right? Routes or something. You get, you know, you get some noodles, you get some dog food for rolling. You get some whatever essentials, right? Some pine salt or whatever. And then you take the stuff out of the bag at your apartment, and then you flip the bag upside down and put it on your head and tie it and get in the shower.
[00:26:46] Speaker B: Well, I, dj head, have actually purchased 300 disposable shower caps. So I don't. And I don't go grocery shopping. My shit get dropped off at the door. And the new bags that they have are actually too thick to go on my head. But how I use mine. Our producer, nae, has been to my house. I have a mini trash can. Cause I don't do trash in my crib. I have a very many, many trash cans look like this. How many inches is this? About 1012, right?
[00:27:13] Speaker A: Ask Meek Mill. I don't know.
[00:27:14] Speaker B: Yeah. Pause. What the.
What the fuck? Anyway, I use those for my mini trash can.
[00:27:25] Speaker A: Okay?
[00:27:26] Speaker B: So that's why I'm sad about it.
[00:27:27] Speaker A: Okay.
[00:27:30] Speaker B: That's the only bag that could fit in my mini trash can.
[00:27:32] Speaker A: Um, interesting.
[00:27:34] Speaker B: But I will ask meek. Cause meek does have a hashtag on Twitter and says hash askmeek. So I will ask me. I said ask me, how long is it?
[00:27:44] Speaker A: All right. A boogie with a hoodie. Right after this, effective immediately, with DJ head and Gina views.
[00:27:55] Speaker B: Like, you put these motherfucking glasses on, he start talking like ti. He just using big words for nothing. On hip hop nation.
[00:28:01] Speaker A: It's effective immediately. On hip hop nation, I'm DJ hep.
[00:28:04] Speaker B: It's your favorite home girl, Gina views.
[00:28:06] Speaker A: Shout out to the mayor of New York who has been indicted. I want to shout him out because there's a lot of black men getting locked up, and he can use all the help he can get.
It's very interesting to see a lot of people just think that they bigger than the program and are quick to find out that they are not. Yeah.
Money, power, status does not make you bigger than the program. And security doesn't either, because at the end of the day, the day gonna win. Shot to glorilla.
[00:28:31] Speaker B: It's crazy seeing Rashad Tate.
[00:28:36] Speaker A: Councilman Tate.
[00:28:37] Speaker B: Councilman Tate go down like this. It's crazy. She said, rashad, that's not nigga count.
[00:28:42] Speaker A: You watch a too much power universe.
[00:28:44] Speaker B: It's crazy when shit like that just happens in real life.
[00:28:48] Speaker A: Yes.
[00:28:49] Speaker B: That's wild.
[00:28:49] Speaker A: Except Tate didn't go down yet.
[00:28:51] Speaker B: Tate didn't go down yet. He gonna go down, though.
[00:28:53] Speaker A: Yeah, we only got two episodes.
[00:28:54] Speaker B: He gonna smoke that cop. Yeah, he gonna smoke Michael Ealy. This Michael ealy. Last season.
[00:29:00] Speaker A: Is everybody. Last season, fool.
[00:29:01] Speaker B: No, they doing spinoffs.
[00:29:02] Speaker A: Well, of this, it's over. But also, I wanna shout out to Ti and Tiny, shout out to the Harrises. They just won $71 million lawsuit over the OMG girls dolls. Claims. A federal jury has said that the toy maker MGA Entertainment owes 71.4. Let's not forget about that extra 400,000. Okay?
I'm counting pockets, you know? $71.4 million to hip hop mogul Ti and also tiny Harris for the doll infringement on their likeness. I think this is a huge win for the culture because there are so many knockoff brands, toys, things that are going on that people make a lot of money off of, and they don't pay. You know what I mean? I just went to a concert. I went to the. I see Usher, and there were people outside the arena selling usher t shirts like those. That's also copyright infringement. Like, you can't just take someone's likeness and put it on a t shirt and make profit off it. That's not how it works.
[00:30:04] Speaker B: When you did, you look up the pictures. The photos, though, the comparison of the OMG girls next to the Lol dolls, it literally looks like the same exact person. Like, it looks like they went. It's almost to where, like, when Paris Hilton had her doll, Lizzie Lohan had her doll. You know, when Beyonce had her doll. That's what the Lol dolls look like. It's like a spitting image of the OMG girls.
[00:30:27] Speaker A: Yeah. I mean, hey, salute to them.
[00:30:30] Speaker B: But while we speaking about court stuff this week in culture, shout out to the hip hop agenda, my girl Vashti. Yes, this is the. This week, October 3, OJ Simpson was acquitted in 1995.
[00:30:46] Speaker A: Mm. Yeah, I remember that. They had it on in my elementary school.
[00:30:50] Speaker B: Really? Y'all watched it on?
[00:30:51] Speaker A: I watched the OJ Simpson verdict live on television in elementary school. They had it on, and my teacher lost her mind when they acquitted him.
It was a white lady. I don't remember her name, but she was Hefty. That's all I can remember.
[00:31:05] Speaker B: She was thick.
[00:31:06] Speaker A: She was hefty.
[00:31:07] Speaker B: Defined.
[00:31:07] Speaker A: Hefty, like the trash bag, you know what I'm saying? Not like that, but I can see that that's not flattering. You know what I mean?
[00:31:18] Speaker B: You know what I was thinking? Because.
So I didn't realize that the same person who was attempting to get the Menendez brothers off the lawyer that they hired is the same person who worked the OJ trail. And then what I also found out is that this is either around the same time or close to when the big ass earthquake hit California, the northridge quake. So the city was cracking low key. Like, literally, you got OJ, the Menendez's, the earthquake.
[00:31:48] Speaker A: Yeah.
[00:31:48] Speaker B: Like, that's crazy.
[00:31:49] Speaker A: That's a lot to pontificate on.
Do you know pontificate?
[00:31:55] Speaker B: You know, I don't know that. That sound like some shit you made up.
[00:31:58] Speaker A: Nah, I didn't make that up.
[00:31:59] Speaker B: Pontificate.
[00:31:59] Speaker A: We'll be back right after this ghetto ass with the word of the day from Gina views. Right after this. Chance the rapper on the way. It's effective immediately. Effective immediately with DJ head and Gina views.
[00:32:11] Speaker B: Like, you put these motherfucking glasses on and he start talking like ti. He's just using big words for nothing on hip hop nation.
[00:32:17] Speaker A: Shout out to chance to rapper. He's back officially waiting on that album. You know what I'm saying? It's effective immediately on hip hop nation. I'm DJ head.
[00:32:23] Speaker B: I'm Gina views now.
[00:32:24] Speaker A: Word of the daytime. Gina views. I used the word just not too long ago. The word was pontificate. Do you know the word?
[00:32:32] Speaker B: I do not know the word pontificate, however.
Is it.
Is that the long word for ponder?
[00:32:41] Speaker A: Why would you just say the word ponder out of nowhere? Did you look something up?
[00:32:44] Speaker B: No, I'm still on the Menendez brothers.
I didn't look up.
[00:32:49] Speaker A: Pontificate. Yes. It's like, basically to have an opinion or express, like, something.
[00:32:54] Speaker B: Yeah, I do know how to use my context clues.
[00:32:56] Speaker A: You do? You got a degree? You more educated than me? I saw a study recently that said that women are actually in a better position than men at this moment in history because. Not because of Kamala and all that stuff, but literally, because you guys are just more educated than men.
[00:33:13] Speaker B: I don't believe that.
[00:33:14] Speaker A: That's what I read. A study. I read some.
[00:33:16] Speaker B: What study?
[00:33:17] Speaker A: It was an article. I read it.
[00:33:18] Speaker B: You read that shit on Twitter?
[00:33:19] Speaker A: No, it was an article.
[00:33:19] Speaker B: Elon dropped that on Musk. I mean, on x. No, no. Well, shout out to whoever did that study. Yeah, but, yeah, no, I had to think. I thought you made the word up.
[00:33:30] Speaker A: No.
[00:33:30] Speaker B: Pontificate. I'll never use this shit again.
[00:33:33] Speaker A: God made that word up.
[00:33:34] Speaker B: God was not up there complicating the vocabulary.
[00:33:37] Speaker A: Okay, what word do you think God himself like, made up?
[00:33:43] Speaker B: Do God even talk?
[00:33:45] Speaker A: He might just give you that look like grandma used to give you in church.
[00:33:47] Speaker B: God might just look. Cause, like, what's God voice? Morgan Freeman. God might just look motherfucking eyes and you just audit.
[00:33:54] Speaker A: Like, it's like the I picture God sounding more like James Earl Jones. Rest in peace.
[00:33:59] Speaker B: Why?
[00:33:59] Speaker A: Just like mufasa.
[00:34:01] Speaker B: No God. No God voices. Morgan Freeman. We know this. Nah, we know. Ask hip hop nation. Let us know right now if you could pick a voice for Goddesse.
Tag us, post it. Post a picture of the person. If you can find an audio clip or something of them talking, let us know. What do you think God sounds like?
[00:34:21] Speaker A: It would be either. It would either be.
It would probably, yeah, I got James Earl Jones, you know, like Mufasa. I don't know. I mean, Morgan Freeman, James Earl Jones look like God.
[00:34:34] Speaker B: That's what I would expect God to look like that.
[00:34:36] Speaker A: Let us know what you think. Hip hop nation. I finna jump in the mixed effective immediately, live on all platforms. Effective immediately with DJ head and Gina views.
[00:34:47] Speaker B: Like, you put these motherfucking glasses on and he start talking like ti. He just using big words for nothing on hip hop nation.
[00:34:53] Speaker A: Thank you for always tapping into us each and every Sunday right here on hip hop nation. DJ head.
[00:34:58] Speaker B: Yes, we appreciate y'all. It's your favorite home girl Gina views.
[00:35:01] Speaker A: And I think it's about that time for us to become closer, closer and be more acquainted. So join our group chat. Go to the website. You could hit us up right now at effectivemediately live. We have approximately 200 people in the group chat.
[00:35:15] Speaker B: Shout out to all 200 people in the group chat. We appreciate y'all.
[00:35:17] Speaker A: I'm trying to get to 250. Also, thank you for everybody that's been subscribing to our YouTube. Our YouTube has been going crazy. You guys been loving the show TikTok. The TikTok. You know, our producer Nae. She says that our TikTok is going viral.
[00:35:30] Speaker B: Everybody and everybody who's been tagging us. People. People be tagging us. People do Twitter.
[00:35:34] Speaker A: Yes.
[00:35:34] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:35:35] Speaker A: I thank you for always interacting with our content. We've been here, what, 17 weeks or so, something like that. And, you know, we want to make the white people give us a big bag. So keep tapping in and we appreciate you. We'll be back next week on, effective immediately, injecting integrity and authenticity in the game.
[00:35:52] Speaker B: You a freaky ass. You just got your condoms in it.
[00:35:55] Speaker A: Hey, I can look at this right now and say head and Gina gonna work.
[00:35:59] Speaker B: I'll keep their heads ringing. The hottest hip hop along with exclusive.
[00:36:03] Speaker A: Premieres, effective immediately with DJ head and.
[00:36:06] Speaker B: Gina views like, you put these motherfucking glasses on and he start talking like ti. He just using big words for nothing on hip hop nation, the sound of the culture.