Episode Transcript
[00:00:04] Speaker A: Welcome Hip Hop Nation. It's effective immediately. I'm DJ Head.
[00:00:07] Speaker B: What up, Hip Hop Nation? It's your favorite homegirl, Gina Views.
[00:00:10] Speaker A: Welcome to the show. We have a crazy show for you. Lots going on in the culture. But before we do that. Gina Views. How was your week been?
[00:00:17] Speaker B: I had a really good week. Stack week. I went to the rap caviar event.
[00:00:23] Speaker A: Yes.
[00:00:23] Speaker B: Where I ran into you and your other co host.
[00:00:27] Speaker A: Shout out to Jeremy Hecht.
[00:00:28] Speaker B: Shout out to Jeremy.
[00:00:28] Speaker A: And. Oh, let me tell you something. You and Jeremy Hecht got hell to pay. Okay. Because I. It was revealed on the. On the bigger picture, and y'all shot videos and content around making fun of my affinity for a woman named Shincia. Y'all told me Shinsia was in the building, and I went and ran off like a little schoolgirl looking for his dad.
And I don't know how that sounded, but, you know, we not discriminating. And so I ran off looking for Shincia while y'all laughed at me on the couch.
[00:00:57] Speaker B: I'm sorry.
[00:00:57] Speaker A: I couldn't.
[00:00:58] Speaker B: I couldn't miss the opportunity to prank you.
[00:01:00] Speaker A: No, no, that's cool, because I'm good at that type of shit. So I'm glad that y'all, you know.
[00:01:03] Speaker B: You want to go. You want to go toe to toe. Cause I done stole a car before. I done stole the homegirl car and made her report it stolen.
[00:01:11] Speaker A: God damn, I'm glad y'all set it off.
[00:01:15] Speaker B: There's nobody that you can tell me is in the building, and I'm gonna go running.
[00:01:18] Speaker A: Oh, no, I'm not tripping. I don't. That's not even how I do my. My shit be really intricate, really, really elaborate and really cerebral, so.
[00:01:26] Speaker B: Well, I'll be looking forward to your prank, but just know if you. If we gonna go toe to toe. No, I'm the prankster in my friend group.
[00:01:33] Speaker A: Hey, me too. So we'll see.
[00:01:35] Speaker B: I also. This week, I attended. Well, I actually hosted shout out to the whole Stockton. They had me host, so. Shout out to Russ.
[00:01:44] Speaker A: Shout out to Stockton, California. Shout out to homie Jason Lee.
[00:01:48] Speaker B: Oh, Jason Lee's from Stockton.
[00:01:49] Speaker A: He's. Yeah, he's running for, I think, council member.
[00:01:52] Speaker B: Oh, I don't know why I thought Jason was a la.
[00:01:54] Speaker A: Nah, he act like one.
[00:01:56] Speaker B: Yeah, he do act like a la. Shout out to Jay, but also shout out to young Slobe. So I hosted the listening party. The project is called Slow B Brian 4. And it was a really nice turnout.
I don't want to get the Name of the store wrong. So I don't want to say it wrong. I want to say the name of the store is Asylum a Sally that Mr. The company to have all like the criminals and stuff. You know what I'm talking about? It's like all the criminals on the. I'm ignorant on the sweatsuits or whatever. But anyway, really, really nice turnout. His mom came and spoke. His dad spoke. For those who don't know, he did pass away. So it was a. It was an amazing turnout. The album is amazing.
[00:02:34] Speaker A: So, you know, hey, listen, I appreciate, you know, everybody that's tapped in with us. A lot of people been showing us love. We have interviews. We got the homie Absol joining us on the show later on in the mix. Also some music. Hip Hop Nation tap in with us at effectiveimmediately Live. We got some latto coming up and I'm gonna tell you where you can get this lovely T shirt right after this, effective immediately.
[00:02:57] Speaker C: With DJ Head and Gina Views.
[00:02:59] Speaker B: Like, you put these motherfucking glasses on and he start talking like ti. He's just using big words for nothing on Hip Hop Nation.
[00:03:05] Speaker A: Tee Grizzly J. Cole on your radio. It's DJ Head. It's effective immediately.
[00:03:10] Speaker B: I'm Gina Viewf.
[00:03:11] Speaker A: All right, if you are watching us right now via our social platforms or, you know, if you can go to our social platforms or our YouTube channel, effective immediately, I am currently wearing the newest addition to Culture Merch. If you go to the website right now, it's called culturemerch Shop.
[00:03:28] Speaker B: Shout out to those people at culturemerch.
[00:03:30] Speaker A: Shout out to Culturemerch Shop. You can go get your Stay on stream official merch.
[00:03:35] Speaker B: I love how they fuck with you like that.
[00:03:36] Speaker A: Yeah, they fuck with.
[00:03:37] Speaker B: They made you a shirt.
[00:03:38] Speaker A: Yeah. You know what I'm saying? I'm a brand ambassador for Culturemerch Shop.
[00:03:41] Speaker B: Shout out to Culture Merch.
[00:03:43] Speaker A: So this is an ad. Yeah, this is an ad. You know, this show is presented by Culturemerch Shop. You know, I'm just joking. Hip Hop Nation. God damn. You know what I'm saying?
Slightly. You know what I'm saying? But anyway, yeah, go to Culturemerch Shop. Get them official stay on stream tees. You know, they got em in all sizes, baby tees, you know, they even got some booty shorts if that's what you fancy. They have that, you know what I'm saying?
[00:04:08] Speaker B: Why wouldn't you order me something?
[00:04:09] Speaker A: Well, we are going to get you something, but we just want. We just want to encourage everyone across the Everyone across the multiverse to stay on stream.
[00:04:18] Speaker B: Well, let's add some context.
[00:04:20] Speaker A: Okay.
[00:04:21] Speaker B: For the people who don't know what stay on stream means, where is the root of the phrase from?
[00:04:26] Speaker A: Oh, it's just me. Well, it actually didn't originate for me. I co opted it. Right. So I appropriated it from other culture, much like, you know, hip hop has been done. So what I would. What I encourage people to do is to look into the backstory of it and really dive into the realm of the streaming era. And I think that we need. Elliot Wilson was reluctant to it, you know, initially embracing the newcomers and stuff like that. And what I want to do is I just want to show love. And so to show my love, I really got behind this brand to encourage everyone to stay on stream.
[00:04:57] Speaker B: Oh, okay, okay, okay. I understand that. Okay. All right. Well, y'all stay on stream.
Speaking of staying on stream, Tyga.
[00:05:06] Speaker A: Tyga.
[00:05:07] Speaker B: Tyga just dropped a snippet of a project that. I mean, he dropped a snippet of a song for a music video, and the caption said, album on the way are coming soon.
[00:05:18] Speaker A: Yes.
[00:05:19] Speaker B: So be expecting some new Tiger Tyga.
[00:05:21] Speaker A: Listen, bro, don't do that. Don't do the Kendrick, like, don't have me waiting months for the record. Give me the record.
[00:05:29] Speaker B: I don't think Tiger gonna do that to us.
Just for the simple fact that he is the people. Don't credit him for this. But he is the hit maker.
[00:05:37] Speaker A: Yeah.
[00:05:38] Speaker B: He's the radio guy.
[00:05:39] Speaker A: Yeah.
[00:05:40] Speaker B: He's the festival guy.
[00:05:41] Speaker A: Yeah.
[00:05:42] Speaker B: So I think that he is like, he ain't. Because he haven't dropped in a minute. I think he gonna give the people what they want.
[00:05:47] Speaker A: Okay.
[00:05:48] Speaker B: And that music video is fire.
[00:05:49] Speaker A: You haven't seen the full video?
[00:05:51] Speaker B: Well, I saw the 1 minute snippet and that hard.
[00:05:53] Speaker A: The snippet is hard. Yeah. Okay. Okay. For sure.
[00:05:56] Speaker B: Everything he said was popping up on the screen.
Everything he said popped up on the screen. Stay on screen.
[00:06:03] Speaker A: That's see. Exactly. Go to Culturemerch shop. Get your official merch right now. Some glowrilla off that glorious album. It's amazing.
[00:06:10] Speaker C: Right after this, effective immediately, with DJ Head and Gina. Views.
[00:06:15] Speaker A: Shout out to that new Tyler, the creator. It's called Noid. That album is on the way. It's effective immediately. I'm DJ Head.
[00:06:22] Speaker B: I'm Gina. Views. And also shout out to Shine. He just released the trailer for his new documentary that's coming out on November 18th.
[00:06:30] Speaker A: Yeah. It's going to be on Hulu, right?
[00:06:31] Speaker B: Hulu, yes. Yeah.
[00:06:32] Speaker A: Yeah, I'm excited for this. The trailer's fire.
[00:06:34] Speaker B: The honorable Shine is what it's called.
[00:06:36] Speaker A: I'm super excited because Shine hasn't really told his story like that. Like, he did go on Drink Champs.
I think it was Drink Champs, he went on. But we have never really heard the full story of what Shine has been through over the last 20 years. You know, 10 of it was in jail.
[00:06:52] Speaker B: What do you think about the timing?
[00:06:53] Speaker A: Interesting timing.
[00:06:54] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:06:55] Speaker A: I think he's had this for a minute.
[00:06:57] Speaker B: That's what I think too.
[00:06:58] Speaker A: Okay.
[00:06:59] Speaker B: I think he already had it for a minute. But the. But the timing is like. It's very interesting.
[00:07:03] Speaker A: Yeah.
[00:07:04] Speaker B: But I am excited to see it.
[00:07:08] Speaker A: Do you think that these things come out and of course we're talking about the timing. Of course, everything is going on with Diddy and stuff like that. Do you think it's insensitive or do you think it is like, okay, let's say. Let's assume. I'm not saying he's guilty, but let's assume Diddy is guilty of everything they accuse him of. Right. But he still has a family. Right. And now. And that family has to then deal with the ramifications of his actions.
[00:07:32] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:07:33] Speaker A: Now, if. Let's say Diddy did have something to do with setting Shine up or whatever it alludes to in the trailer that we watched, do you think it's insensitive of Shine to be capitalizing on this moment?
[00:07:47] Speaker B: No, I think that it's actually more so of a demonstration of Diddy's power.
[00:07:53] Speaker A: What you mean?
[00:07:55] Speaker B: We know that he's been known to. Well, we don't know. We know that it's been said that he, you know, controls people.
[00:08:02] Speaker A: Oh, okay.
[00:08:03] Speaker B: And things like that. And that he, you know, might threaten people lives or, you know, whatever. So I think that that's. That's more of a. It's just showing like his power. So if the timing to speak out.
[00:08:14] Speaker A: If the timing is based around that, then it's like, oh, well, he's going away or he's away right now. I can get my shit off.
[00:08:21] Speaker B: The other thing too, though, because I didn't see the Drink Champs interview, but did he talk. Did.
[00:08:25] Speaker A: Oh, I don't. I didn't watch the full Drink that shit. Three hours. I just. I fuck with Nori.
[00:08:30] Speaker B: And he should have been in the headline. A little clickbait like that would have been the most clickbaitable.
If he said it, I think we would know, right?
[00:08:37] Speaker A: Yes. I mean, he said he spoke on it, but I don't think he's ever like, what I saw in this trailer.
[00:08:43] Speaker B: It's been murmurs of it in the industry for years though, right?
[00:08:45] Speaker A: What I saw in this trailer is more than what I've heard over the last 20 years.
[00:08:49] Speaker B: Okay, that's true.
[00:08:49] Speaker A: You know what I'm saying? Like he said, like, I heard more of him speaking on it in the trailer than I did him on any platform in the last 20 years.
[00:08:56] Speaker B: I have a theory.
[00:08:57] Speaker A: What?
[00:08:58] Speaker B: I have a theory that he was already going to get a documentary with Hulu, but there probably was going to more so cover the political aspect of his life.
[00:09:06] Speaker A: I can see that.
[00:09:07] Speaker B: And then when all of this. This happened. Well, let's just add this because there's multiple documentaries out right now.
[00:09:14] Speaker A: No, I don't think so. You have. Because you can't tell the story of Shine without talking about that shooting. He went to jail, but they probably.
[00:09:19] Speaker B: Were going to filter.
[00:09:22] Speaker A: I could see it being censored a little bit. But the reason why he got into politics because he went to jail and spent all that time, like, rehabilitating himself and becoming who he is now.
[00:09:30] Speaker B: So, like, that's why I think that was probably the initial story, though.
[00:09:33] Speaker A: Oh, okay. Gotcha.
[00:09:34] Speaker B: It wasn't the. I don't know if are we going to find out that, oh, he was set up and you know, all the whole behind the story, the whole behind the scenes part of it.
[00:09:42] Speaker A: Yeah, no, I'm excited. I can't wait to watch this doc. Did you watch the Meg Thee Stallion documentary? Oh, it's not out yet.
[00:09:49] Speaker B: Halloween.
[00:09:50] Speaker A: It comes out on Halloween.
[00:09:51] Speaker B: Halloween. I will be watching it.
[00:09:52] Speaker A: You will be watching it? Yeah. I'm gonna wait and let you tell me if I should watch it or not.
[00:09:55] Speaker B: I seen a tubi version.
[00:09:57] Speaker A: What did?
[00:09:58] Speaker B: They did like a whole reenactment of it.
[00:10:00] Speaker A: Oh, that's crazy.
[00:10:01] Speaker B: Her name was like Gretchen Thee Stallion or something.
[00:10:03] Speaker A: Oh, wow.
[00:10:04] Speaker B: Timmy Lanez.
[00:10:06] Speaker A: Anyway, some real Boston Richie coming and some Playboy Carti. Right now. It's effective immediately.
[00:10:12] Speaker C: Effective immediately. With DJ Head and Gina Views.
[00:10:16] Speaker A: Shout out to my dude Toosey featuring Gunn on that Champs Elie Zay. I say that wrong every time. It's effective immediately. I'm DJ Head.
[00:10:22] Speaker B: I'm Gina Views. And that's actually crazy transitioning because the next topic is this Young Thug tweet.
[00:10:28] Speaker A: Yes.
[00:10:28] Speaker B: So Young Thug added Drake Future and metro booming. He said, we all British music ain't the same without us collabing.
[00:10:37] Speaker A: Now, is that a piece? Is that like a peace talk?
[00:10:39] Speaker B: Absolutely.
[00:10:40] Speaker A: That's what. I think that's what it is. I think it's more like the big homie saying like, hey, get this shit together.
[00:10:44] Speaker B: Yeah. But it's going to take some mutual person to get everybody together to get them all on one page. I think somebody probably already tried to do that.
[00:10:56] Speaker A: Like, behind the scenes.
[00:10:57] Speaker B: Yeah, behind the scenes. And it probably didn't work out.
[00:10:59] Speaker A: And so Thug is like, fuck it.
[00:11:00] Speaker B: I'm putting on Twitter because he not. He not really out feeling everything that we feeling that.
[00:11:05] Speaker A: I can see that. I think. I think. I mean, the way this trial been going, I think Thug is tapped in everything.
[00:11:11] Speaker B: You think he watching TV and on the.
[00:11:12] Speaker A: Thug probably got a phone under the desk in the courtroom.
[00:11:16] Speaker B: You ain't even supposed to say no shit like that.
[00:11:17] Speaker A: I'm not.
[00:11:18] Speaker B: Hell no.
[00:11:18] Speaker A: Oh, no, he don't.
[00:11:28] Speaker B: I'm just saying this nigga. The nigga got a phone under the desk.
[00:11:32] Speaker A: Have you even paid attention to this trial?
[00:11:34] Speaker B: I don't think the nigga got a phone, though.
[00:11:36] Speaker A: The trial is crazy.
He think Thug in court tweeted, bro, why is that? Woody's asking this man in open court, thug, did you do that shit? Just tell these white people you ain't do that. It's like, what the fuck is going on?
[00:11:51] Speaker B: Every time I see a clip from the trial, it's literally a boondocks episode. Like, the shit always just. It looked like nobody came to work following procedures.
[00:12:00] Speaker A: No.
[00:12:00] Speaker B: Like, nobody understands procedures.
[00:12:02] Speaker A: The judge had to take a break. He was like, you know what? Fuck it. I'm be in my chamber.
[00:12:07] Speaker B: Ain't this, like, the fifth judge?
[00:12:09] Speaker A: Yeah. I was like, bro, just mistrial this shit and we'll figure it out another day, man. Okay.
[00:12:14] Speaker B: Bring Thug home so he can get all these boys back on one accord.
[00:12:17] Speaker A: Yeah. So you said it's Future gonna.
[00:12:20] Speaker B: Future, Drake and Metro boomin'future.
[00:12:22] Speaker A: Drake and Metro boomin. Ugh.
[00:12:23] Speaker B: And.
[00:12:24] Speaker A: But.
[00:12:24] Speaker B: But two, I don't know if that don't happen, but that is a little crazy. But this let me know. Well, I can speculate.
[00:12:31] Speaker A: These niggas did arena tour.
[00:12:32] Speaker B: I'm speculating.
[00:12:34] Speaker A: I don't think Thug. Hey, Thug, they did an arena tour, bro.
[00:12:37] Speaker B: I don't think that the beef is that crazy.
[00:12:40] Speaker A: It's not crazy. Didn't nobody, like, lose their lives.
[00:12:41] Speaker B: No, I'm saying whatever. Whatever the tension is that we don't know about between Drake, Future, and Metro, boom. If for Thug to tweet something like that, that let you know that this shit ain't that serious to him, I'm sure he done talked to them in jail.
[00:12:55] Speaker A: Yeah, but to him on what phone?
[00:12:57] Speaker B: The jail phone.
Catch me up.
Hey, hey, hey. It ain't on me. It's Emmy.
[00:13:09] Speaker A: Listen, we wish well to everyone and I would like to see at some point some sort of reconciliation within the people who have had fracture relationships over this year.
[00:13:19] Speaker B: Oh, that was your. What the fuck was that?
This nigga got PR training. Stay on stream.
[00:13:28] Speaker A: Oh, man, you gotta stay on stream.
[00:13:29] Speaker B: Shirt talkin'what. You do? What word did you just use?
[00:13:32] Speaker A: Reconciliation.
[00:13:33] Speaker B: Reconciliation.
[00:13:35] Speaker A: This is for Gina. We got some YG Toxic after this.
[00:13:38] Speaker C: Shout out to yg effective immediately with DJ Head and Gina Views.
[00:13:44] Speaker A: Money Man Key Glock on your radio is effective immediately. I'm DJ Head.
[00:13:47] Speaker B: I'm Gina. Views.
[00:13:48] Speaker A: Shout out to the homie Cordae who's going to be dropping that album. He announced the album release date. He's not the only one releasing content and things. Tyler, the creator, announced an album and the Combs family announced something. What they announced.
[00:13:59] Speaker B: Yeah. So Quincy is actually premiering a new show on October 27th and it's titled Just a Vlog. And from the trailer it just, you know, it's just him with his siblings, some lady friends, and it kind of just looks like it's like a day in a life lifestyle type of thing. Regular like vlog shit.
[00:14:19] Speaker A: Yeah. I think I'm at a point in my life where I'm over watching other people live their life.
[00:14:23] Speaker B: Oh, I'm obsessed with it.
[00:14:26] Speaker A: What do you want to know about people, the way they live their life?
[00:14:28] Speaker B: I don't know. I'm nosy. I seen a post that said kids don't even play with toys no more. They watch other people play with toys on YouTube.
[00:14:34] Speaker A: That's a fact. There's a whole YouTube channel with millions of subscribers and it's just kids playing with toys.
[00:14:39] Speaker B: I don't like them shows though, like that.
[00:14:41] Speaker A: So you rather see like.
[00:14:42] Speaker B: Because some of them, it's like grown ups making little kid voices with the Barbies and stuff. Yeah, like you don't got a job.
[00:14:48] Speaker A: That is a job. They making a lot of money.
[00:14:50] Speaker B: They are making a lot of money. I'm low key hating. But it's like that's. That's your job.
[00:14:55] Speaker A: The same thing can be said about them chicks with the. With the T on Instagram. What you mean the chicks with that sell the tea.
[00:15:01] Speaker B: Oh, that tummy tea.
We ain't gonna talk about it. Cause it's not an ad. I'm just saying it's not Even an ad.
[00:15:09] Speaker A: I'm just saying. I can ask the same question.
[00:15:11] Speaker B: They should have been saying, I know.
[00:15:12] Speaker A: People that go on dates for food. Same thing.
[00:15:15] Speaker B: I know people that do that West Coast. I am one of those people.
[00:15:19] Speaker A: Yep. Shout out to Cordae Lil Wayne. It says Saturday morning. It's on your radio.
[00:15:23] Speaker C: Effective immediately. With DJ Head and Gina Views.
[00:15:27] Speaker A: That was that gun on your radio. It's effective immediately. I'm DJ Head.
[00:15:30] Speaker B: I'm Gina Views. And Kendrick Lamar is still teasing us.
[00:15:34] Speaker A: Maybe you.
[00:15:35] Speaker B: You heard. You heard the song?
[00:15:37] Speaker A: No. Damn. Both of y'all did the lean back. That's crazy. Yo, our producer Nay just leaned back and Gina leaned at the same time like you heard the record. I ain't heard shit, so.
[00:15:47] Speaker B: What are you talking about?
[00:15:48] Speaker A: Nothing. Go ahead.
[00:15:49] Speaker B: What was you saying?
[00:15:50] Speaker A: I was. I was saying what you were saying.
[00:15:51] Speaker B: You heard the song and you didn't send it to me.
[00:15:53] Speaker A: I didn't hear no song.
[00:15:54] Speaker B: You didn't play it? You. You think I'm a leak?
[00:15:56] Speaker A: I didn't hear no song, Queen.
[00:15:58] Speaker B: Well, if you was watching the first Lakers game, the opening night.
[00:16:02] Speaker A: Yes.
[00:16:02] Speaker B: They played the song on tnt.
[00:16:05] Speaker A: Yes. On television. They had to license the song in order to do that, by the way. So that means there was business done behind the scenes.
[00:16:11] Speaker B: Every time I hear the snippet, I get mad. I get very pissed off because I need. I know that shit is a banger.
[00:16:20] Speaker A: It is. I know why y'all both lean like that. I'm saying, based on what I've heard and what you.
Yo, y'all are ridiculous.
[00:16:28] Speaker B: You heard the song, bro.
[00:16:29] Speaker A: I haven't heard the song, no.
[00:16:31] Speaker B: That's weird.
[00:16:32] Speaker A: That's weird. That's weird that I have not heard the song.
[00:16:35] Speaker B: Take a sip out of here before I get mad.
[00:16:37] Speaker A: Shout out to LeBron James, too.
[00:16:39] Speaker B: Did you watch the game?
[00:16:40] Speaker A: I didn't watch the full game. I wasn't home.
[00:16:42] Speaker B: I don't watch sports, so I didn't watch the game. But I saw clips of LeBron and his son on the court together, and I thought that was so cute. It was so cute. Made me a little emotional.
[00:16:52] Speaker A: It did.
[00:16:52] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:16:52] Speaker A: You look softy, low key.
[00:16:54] Speaker B: But I love nepotism.
[00:16:56] Speaker A: You do?
[00:16:57] Speaker B: I love nepotism. I love when families care enough about the other family members that they put you in positions to be successful. I love that more people should do that. I agree with that.
[00:17:10] Speaker A: Yeah. I love nepotism, too. Shout out to.
[00:17:12] Speaker B: Shout out to nepotism.
[00:17:13] Speaker A: Shout out to LeBron James and Bronny. I think that's beautiful that they get to play in the NBA in a professional basketball game together.
[00:17:20] Speaker B: And he said that. He said that he wanted to play in the league long enough so that him and his son could share a court together.
[00:17:27] Speaker A: That's fire salute to them.
[00:17:28] Speaker B: It's happening.
[00:17:29] Speaker A: That's speaking of nepotism, I didn't hear the broccoli record, but I did hear.
[00:17:34] Speaker B: Quit fucking playing with me.
[00:17:35] Speaker A: I did hear I got a sneak peek of Snoop Dogg's album with Dr. Dre.
[00:17:40] Speaker B: What?
[00:17:40] Speaker A: Yeah. And I can't really reveal too much, but we'll talk about it right after this. Some Ivory Scott and some Eminem right after this. It's effective immediately.
[00:17:49] Speaker C: Effective immediately. With DJ Head and Gina Views.
[00:17:52] Speaker A: Super shout out to that. Super shout out to the hom. That Mexican ot. Okay. War wounds on your radio is effective immediately. I'm DJ Head.
[00:18:00] Speaker B: I'm Gina Views.
[00:18:01] Speaker A: Now, like I was saying before, I did get invited to the studio, it was a private listening session amongst a bunch of different people who was in the building. They took our phones, locked them up, and.
[00:18:10] Speaker B: Oh, they wasn't playing.
[00:18:11] Speaker A: Oh, no, they wasn't playing at all. Snoop was very serious about this. Snoop did play. You know, him and Dr. Dre have been working on an album called Missionary for quite some time. And Snoop basically was candid about everything. He kind of talked about what they were working on, how they. The process. There were some features. I can't speak on it publicly on the radio, on the air, but I will say it's not what you expect, you know what I'm saying, from Dr. When you think of Dr. Dre and Snoop Dogg getting together for another album because they haven't done one since doggy style. Like, Dr. Dre hasn't gotten a studio and made.
[00:18:41] Speaker B: Oh, shit, that's a bar. Is Doggy Style one day and Missionary.
[00:18:45] Speaker A: Ooh, welcome to hip hop.
[00:18:47] Speaker B: Oh, them niggas cooking.
Them niggas cooking. Because remember, we was talking to AK about having the whole. You know, the concept titles is okay.
[00:18:56] Speaker A: Yeah. But I don't wanna just. I don't wanna dispel that rumor. But Snoop did speak to that as well. But the album is not what you expect. So I want people to go into it with an open mind the more as it rolls out. And the sound of it is incredible. It's crazy. Like, I understand why Dre takes so long. Cause he's tweaking every little instrument and every sound, and it's just like. But it sounds amazing.
[00:19:19] Speaker B: Yeah, okay.
[00:19:20] Speaker A: But, yeah, shout out to Snoop Shout.
[00:19:21] Speaker B: Out to Snoop and Dr. Dre. Y'all will be looking forward to hearing missionary. So, on other news, immediate news, let's get into it. McDonald's has a E. Coli breakout. The Quarter Pounders are. Damn you Quarter Pounders?
[00:19:38] Speaker A: No, I just know I never ordered a Quarter Pounder. I know somebody who exclusively eats Quarter Pounders.
[00:19:43] Speaker B: Really?
[00:19:43] Speaker A: Yeah. He don't order. He don't order nuggets. He don't. He eat the Quarter Pounders. He from West Long beach, too. Like, you know, so that put it in perspective.
[00:19:51] Speaker B: What you trying to say about Long Beach.
[00:19:54] Speaker A: What a shot.
[00:19:57] Speaker B: So I did look up the dangers of E. Coli, because I was. I was just curious myself. Diarrhea, urinary tract infections.
[00:20:06] Speaker A: Damn.
[00:20:07] Speaker B: Pneumonia, septus, and other illnesses.
[00:20:10] Speaker A: That's not good.
[00:20:11] Speaker B: It's pretty. Pretty dangerous. Quarter Pounders are pretty. Pretty deadly right now.
[00:20:16] Speaker A: Yeah, I don't know. The last time I did. I've ever had a Quarter Pounder, I'd.
[00:20:20] Speaker B: Be at McDonald's, though. Yeah, I'll be at McDonald's. Now, if they. If the E. Coli start fucking with the McChickens, then we got a problem.
[00:20:26] Speaker A: You know, it's all cooked in the same kitchen.
[00:20:28] Speaker B: Yeah, but. But they didn't say. They didn't say that, so. They didn't say that.
[00:20:34] Speaker A: So let me ask you a question.
[00:20:34] Speaker B: We are a credible platform, and we're only going to go off credible sources. Shout out to NBC News, okay. For this information. They said quarter pounders, not McChickens. Okay.
[00:20:45] Speaker A: So if the McChicken with cheese starts having a crazy outbreak, then you gonna still pull up.
[00:20:51] Speaker B: I might be eating E. Coli.
[00:20:53] Speaker A: Wow.
[00:20:54] Speaker B: Put the E. Coli on the side.
[00:20:57] Speaker A: Lord have mercy.
Anyway, I'm about to get in the mix. Hip Hop Nation, before we get sued or sick. So I'm gonna be in the turntables. Hit me up, Jhed. Let me know what you want to hear in the mix. Also gonna be talking to the homie Abso, who's gonna be stopping through the show. Keep it locked.
[00:21:13] Speaker C: Effective immediately with DJ Head and Gina Views.
[00:21:17] Speaker A: Thank you for rocking with us each and every week right here. I'm DJ Head.
[00:21:20] Speaker B: I'm Gina Views. And hey, let us know, hit us up on Twitter. We gonna start this new hashtag, hashtag, effective immediately. Tell us some things that need to change now. Effective immediately.
[00:21:30] Speaker A: Okay?
[00:21:31] Speaker B: And we will read your tweets on air.
[00:21:33] Speaker A: Yes.
[00:21:33] Speaker B: So thank y'all for listening. Thank y'all for tuning in. Thank you for supporting us.
[00:21:36] Speaker A: Go to the YouTube, like, comment, subscribe all that good stuff. Shout to everybody that came over to our channel, our YouTube channel. From all the wonderful people who helped promote our channel. We appreciate you. You're welcome anytime in our chat.
[00:21:50] Speaker B: Who you shouting out right now?
[00:21:51] Speaker A: Everybody that supports us also want to make sure we shout out to Culture Merch Shop.
[00:21:58] Speaker B: Shout out to Culture Merch.
[00:21:59] Speaker A: Go to culturemerch Shop. Get your Stay on stream Teas Official teas. Stay on stream. We appreciate you. You know what I'm saying, right here. So do that. And we'll be back next week, each and every week. Hip Hop Nation, 5pm Pacific, 8pm Eastern. If you're in the middle of the country, you have no idea what time that is. We'll see you next week.
[00:22:19] Speaker C: Injecting integrity and authenticity in the game.
[00:22:22] Speaker B: You a freaky ass.
[00:22:25] Speaker A: I can look at this right now and say, head and Gina gonna work.
[00:22:30] Speaker B: The hottest hip hop along with exclusive premieres, effective immediately.
[00:22:35] Speaker C: With DJ Head and Gina, views like.
[00:22:37] Speaker B: You put these motherfucking glasses on. He start talking like ti. He's just using big words for nothing. On Hip Hop Nation, the sound of the culture.