Episode Transcript
[00:00:04] Speaker A: Welcome to Effective immediately. I'm DJ Head.
[00:00:06] Speaker B: What up, world? It's your favorite homegirl, Gina Views.
[00:00:08] Speaker A: Welcome to our show. It's been a very eventful week in hip hop.
[00:00:11] Speaker B: It's the first of the month. Wake up, wake up, wake up.
[00:00:14] Speaker A: Well, you've been up. They've been up all day, like, you know what I'm saying? All night.
[00:00:18] Speaker B: Not everybody.
[00:00:19] Speaker A: Not every. That's true.
[00:00:19] Speaker B: Yeah, if you on rapper hours.
[00:00:21] Speaker A: Yeah, you right.
[00:00:22] Speaker B: If you on rapper hours. Some people just now waking up right now.
[00:00:25] Speaker A: No argument with that.
[00:00:26] Speaker B: They done slept through the whole time change Halloween through the buses being lit on fire.
[00:00:30] Speaker A: It's a lot of shit going on.
[00:00:32] Speaker B: It's too much going on.
[00:00:33] Speaker A: Shout out to Los Daughers. We from la. Gina Views and I are Los Angeles natives. And our Dodgers defeated the New York Yankees to take home the World Series championship. Best baseball club in the league. And we are. We couldn't be happier.
[00:00:48] Speaker B: Yes, yes, yes.
[00:00:49] Speaker A: It was also crazy in the city. No idea where all of these people got these goddamn fireworks from.
[00:00:54] Speaker B: It don't even look like we won outside. It looked like we lost.
It's the people out like that. I would hate to a resident in downtown Los Angeles.
[00:01:05] Speaker A: You know what's crazy? I was thinking about that too when I saw the bus on fire.
[00:01:08] Speaker B: Why did y'all lit the bus on fire? Like, we won, bro? Like, why is the bus on fire? Like, it look, they looting the Nike store. What y'all doing, bro? We won.
[00:01:18] Speaker A: We won.
[00:01:20] Speaker B: I thought the parade was yesterday.
[00:01:22] Speaker A: It looked like Black Lives Matter out there for sure. But the craziest part about it to me was imagine living downtown and you, like, went on Instacart to order your baby some diapers. You know what I'm saying?
[00:01:34] Speaker B: You live in one of them buildings, man. Imagine living in that high rise, baby.
[00:01:38] Speaker A: Sitting all over the apartment like, I need diapers.
[00:01:41] Speaker B: If you waited that long to get some diapers, that's your problem.
[00:01:44] Speaker A: Right?
[00:01:44] Speaker B: But imagine living in one of them high rises and you just looking out your window and there's fireworks shooting up just in the middle of the street. Yeah, just right there on hope.
[00:01:53] Speaker A: Yeah. I also saw this.
It's not funny because it's disruptive to the system. Right? But I did see this clip of these dudes tagging the bus while the bus driver's sitting in it. And I was like, how disrespectful is that? Like, he just trying to get home.
[00:02:11] Speaker B: That's an easy day at work, though.
[00:02:13] Speaker A: No, because. No, no.
[00:02:15] Speaker B: You ever worked in an office and it's a blackout.
[00:02:17] Speaker A: Yes. But the thing is, he still gotta go write a report. Like, he like, bro, I'm just trying to ride his bus.
[00:02:22] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah, yeah.
[00:02:23] Speaker A: Like, it ain't like I'm not Metro or MTA or none of that.
[00:02:26] Speaker B: His route is his route, regardless.
[00:02:28] Speaker A: Yeah, he got there.
[00:02:31] Speaker B: I seen, you know, Twitter, they was going crazy.
[00:02:33] Speaker A: Yeah, it was. It was definitely crazy.
[00:02:35] Speaker B: Somebody tweeted, they said, y'all better light. Y'all better. Y'all better get all y'all jokes off on New York. Because if the 10 was on the other foot, they'd be doing it to us.
[00:02:42] Speaker A: They will be doing it if the.
[00:02:43] Speaker B: Tim was on the other foot.
[00:02:45] Speaker A: If the Tim was on the other foot. Yeah, I saw some really. Shout out to the homegirl, Yada.
[00:02:49] Speaker B: Oh, yada. I'm surprised Yada account ain't gone yet.
[00:02:52] Speaker A: Her. Her account. Like, if they gonna get rid of Trump, get rid of Yada Yada. Gotta go. Yeah.
[00:02:59] Speaker B: Shout out to my girl, Yada. That's a photographer out here.
[00:03:02] Speaker A: Very disrespectful posts towards New York in general.
[00:03:06] Speaker B: I love how people are recycling all these other clips. Yada didn't ask somebody on Twitter to. And this is not funny. I'm not even gonna say it. Y'all go to Yada Twitter and see it yourself. You don't talk about this.
[00:03:16] Speaker A: Go to our page and just search Yada yada. Yeah, you'll see what we talking about. Shout out to the homegirl.
[00:03:21] Speaker B: No, but I seen people, they recycled a battle rap clip where this nigga was saying, fuck all the teams. Fuck people. That's from it. Like, have y'all been holding on to this shit? And then the merch that dropped out of nowhere.
[00:03:32] Speaker A: Yeah, it was definitely.
[00:03:33] Speaker B: It's a lot of merch.
[00:03:33] Speaker A: It's a lot of merch. Especially merch that's not sanctioned by the mlb.
I saw. Hey, I saw inflammatory merch.
[00:03:41] Speaker B: Hey, we putting cases on all you niggas.
[00:03:43] Speaker A: A lot of merch going on. But, yeah, we gotta discuss everything that's been going on in the culture. Young thug has got his freedom papers going to be talking about that. Tyler the Creator. Drop Meg. Thee stallion is out. Like, it's a whole bunch of stuff we're going to be getting to, so keep it right here. Hip Hop Nation. We'll be back in a second after this. That like that. I like that Record is Hip Hop Nation effective immediately.
[00:04:04] Speaker C: Effective immediately. With DJ Head and Gina views like.
[00:04:08] Speaker B: You put these motherfucking glasses on. He Start talking like TI he's just using big words for nothing on Hip Hop Nation.
[00:04:14] Speaker A: Gucci mane, sexy red on your radio is effective immediately on Hip Hop Nation. I'm DJ Head.
[00:04:18] Speaker B: What up, Hip Hop Nation? It's your favorite homegirl, Gina Views Slime.
[00:04:21] Speaker A: Crime is free. At least that's what the streets is saying. Shout out to young thug who got his somewhat freedom papers. Okay. Young thug was facing a state RICO case in the great state of Georgia. He was facing life in prison due to being the head of a criminal organization. He's taken a plea deal, which basically gives him 15 years on probation plus 5 years time served. And if he violates the terms of his probation, whether he gets on drugs, associated with known gang members, visits the metro Atlanta area, or other things, I'm pretty sure you have it there. He will then get tacked on an additional 20 years to be served in custody. So he's happy, his family is happy. He did apologize to the judge and the staff and everybody and his kids in open court for the first time. We heard him speak with his own voice during this trial, and I thought it was dope.
[00:05:09] Speaker B: I have a tweet from Thugger Daily.
Also shout out to Elliot Wilson. He posted it to his Instagram. It says that he has to do four presentations or concerts a year against gang violence. He's allowed to travel for work to make music, and he's to have no contact with gang members or co defendants except his brother and gunna. And he cannot promote gangs in any way. The gun apart is very surprising, and I think that the fans will love this because, you know, people probably assume that these two are not in communication or, you know, affiliated with each other anymore. But this is good. Shout out to Thug. Shout out his girl Mariah the scientist. She was on live. Happy as hell that her man coming home.
[00:05:52] Speaker A: Yeah, they gonna have a very great week.
[00:05:54] Speaker B: Yeah, she's gonna be a yo yo.
[00:05:55] Speaker A: She gonna be a yo yo. All right. Some young thug and Drake on your.
[00:05:59] Speaker C: Radio right now, effective immediately, with DJ Head and Gina Views.
[00:06:04] Speaker A: That was Jordan and the man with the last name I can't pronounce. And Lil Baby on your radio is effective immediately. I'm DJ Head.
[00:06:11] Speaker B: What up, y'all? It's Gina Views.
[00:06:12] Speaker A: Yes. And I want to shout out to Tyler the creator. I apologize to him on the Bigger Picture podcast. Once before when I explained that LA didn't really embrace him, especially not the people that I was around or I came up with, we didn't embrace Tyler the creator. It was Different. It was weird, as people would say, whatever the case may be. This album that he just put out, Chromacopia, is phenomenal, and I actually appreciate it. He got a slap on there. A couple of slaps. Well, he has a slap in a joint. So the one that everybody's talking about is with Sexyy Red, Glorilla and Lil Wayne, which you can appreciate, but they went crazy. They went crazy on it. I just think that what's dope about this album is he got his mom on there. She's navigating, like, narrating the whole album. It's very personal. It's a lot of, like, he talks about his sexuality, but he also talks about real things. But it's in a way that you can understand his perspective. I think this is the first album where people can easily digest who Tyler is and why he is. And he also said that this is like his most personal album.
[00:07:12] Speaker B: Is this the one? Is this the Tyler the Creator project?
[00:07:15] Speaker A: I think so. If you were gonna listen to one, this is the one I would listen to. You know what I'm saying? As me not being a Tyler the Creator fan, per se. This is the one that I think you would listen to if you were to listen to any of them. For sure.
[00:07:25] Speaker B: Well, anything with Wayne on it, I'm definitely pressing play on.
[00:07:28] Speaker A: Definitely. And what's crazy about that, that song, though, is I think he cut their verses up, so it might be like some other Lil Wayne verse that he might just have in the hard drive because he gave everybody. I think it was like a four bar or something. And also shout out to Gloria. I love that Glorial is having this moment. Like she's on the biggest. She's having a complete moment all the way around. So I think it's super dope for her. Also want to shout out to Snoop and Dr. Dre, who announced the missionary album that's coming. They gave us a release date. They leaked some stuff and people put the track list out. Jelly Roll is on the album officially. I could talk about it because they put the track list out. I didn't get a chance to talk about it last show, but Jelly Roll is on the album. They got Sting on the album. You know, they love the white people, but shout out to them, super dope. Like, the way it's not what people think it is. So I want to mitigate expectations right now. Don't think it's going to be like Doggy Style 2.0. That's not what this is. Complete new vision, complete new body of work. Even though it's called missionary. Snoop actually said, I'm just calling it missionary. It don't have nothing to do with doggy style. So shout out to everybody out on the west side putting out that work.
We got some more music on the way. Some lotto right after this. Big ass, the plug. It's effective immediately.
[00:08:35] Speaker C: Effective immediately. With DJ Head and Gina Views.
[00:08:38] Speaker A: It's effective immediately. I'm DJ Head.
[00:08:40] Speaker B: What up, Hip hop Nation? It's your favorite home girl. Gina Views.
[00:08:44] Speaker A: That was that Meg Thee Stallion bigger in Texas.
[00:08:46] Speaker B: Speaking of Meg thee Stallion, the documentary did just drop. Yes, and I have a cameo.
[00:08:52] Speaker A: You got a cameo in Meg thee.
[00:08:53] Speaker B: Stallion's documentary that I was unaware of until, you know, my girl was watching it, and she hit me like, you know, you in the doc. I'm like, you can't. Cause you can't hit nobody and say no shit like that.
[00:09:06] Speaker A: That's like, yeah, what doc? What doc are you in the diddy doc?
[00:09:11] Speaker B: You ever had anybody text you? Be like, why you post that? You like, post what? You think your motherfucking news got leaked?
[00:09:17] Speaker A: You got nudes?
[00:09:19] Speaker B: No, I don't got nudes, but I'd have been shooken up a little bit when somebody's texting some shit. Like, why you post that? Why post? What the hell? You nigga, My heart dropped through my ass. She said you in a mag doc. Like, doing what?
[00:09:33] Speaker A: Yeah, you thought you. Somebody found that hidden folder on your phone.
[00:09:37] Speaker B: Yeah, I thought they caught me at a mansion.
[00:09:40] Speaker A: Oh, shit.
[00:09:41] Speaker B: I thought they was like, oh, Gina was, you know, like, I be outside, but I be low, you know, popping.
[00:09:46] Speaker A: In for a real one.
[00:09:47] Speaker B: Yeah, you feel me? But.
[00:09:50] Speaker A: So what was the context of you being in the document?
[00:09:53] Speaker B: So pretty much they kind of collected clips from, like, all, like, the media personalities, some Joe Buddens on there.
It's like some news, newsy stuff, and I'm coupled in with amongst other people who are essentially talking about her.
[00:10:10] Speaker A: Oh, so they got you in the shit talking segment.
[00:10:11] Speaker B: Yeah, but I'm not talking shit. So I was at my last job, my previous job, and there's a clip of me reporting on 50 Cent trolling meg Thee Stallion got you. So I'm just introducing that, and then the actual post comes up on the screen.
But I did get a chance to watch it. I haven't finished it all the way. I think I'm probably like 50% done with it. But it did kind of give me a different perspective of the situation. Yeah, it gave me a different perspective. And it also gave me some insight on who she is as a person, as well as what she was going through during the height of her career, when the situation happened and where she, like, kind of is now.
[00:10:54] Speaker A: So maybe I should watch it. I had no interest in it, to be honest.
[00:10:57] Speaker B: Yeah, honestly, I think it's a good watch. I usually. Only because the thing is, everybody was like, so into the whole, like, did they fuck? She lied and you know, stuff like that. Now I knew they fucked when she said, fuck, nigga. Still can't believe I used to fuck with you, Papa playing beast. Cause I was scared of being stuck with you.
I knew she did it then.
[00:11:23] Speaker A: So he didn't get out of there, huh?
He didn't get out of there.
[00:11:29] Speaker B: Damn. I see you still kicking with them odd bitches. I'm the only reason that your goofy ass got bitches. So, you know, when she let them bars off, I'm like, okay. She was definitely. They was getting it cracking, so I wasn't. When she said what she said to Gayle, I'm like, ah. You know, I would have lied to Gail too, though. I'm not telling no grown ass person that I'm having sex.
[00:11:48] Speaker A: What you mean, bro?
[00:11:49] Speaker B: If Gayle asks me, you lying. If Gayle says Gina views. Are you a virgin? Yes.
I'm not telling no old person that I be fucking. Like, what are you talking about?
[00:11:59] Speaker A: So we had Kamala Harris and she like, Gina, you be like, hell no. Would you?
[00:12:05] Speaker B: No, no, no, Ms. President. No.
[00:12:09] Speaker A: Why not? She knows, bro.
[00:12:11] Speaker B: I'm not telling no adult that I fucking.
[00:12:13] Speaker A: You were an adult?
[00:12:14] Speaker B: Yeah, but that's different. We two different adults. It's levels to this adulting.
[00:12:22] Speaker A: Well, I'm gonna check out the Meg doc then, I guess.
[00:12:24] Speaker B: Yeah, it's a good watch. I encourage people, you know, to go watch it if you are like, I'm a rabbit hole type of person. So I wasn't interested to know what's her POV of it. And we are actually just now hearing outside of when she hopped on live and was like, he shot me. Now we kind of get a reenactment.
[00:12:40] Speaker A: And they did a reenactment.
[00:12:42] Speaker B: Yeah, but it's like.
[00:12:43] Speaker A: Like with actors.
[00:12:44] Speaker B: No, it's cartoon.
[00:12:45] Speaker A: Is. They did a cartoon?
[00:12:47] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:12:47] Speaker A: Oh, this is crazy.
[00:12:48] Speaker B: And it looked good. Her cartoon. Cute too. Like, it looked just like her. They got Tori looking like Tupac, though.
[00:12:54] Speaker A: Yeah.
[00:12:57] Speaker B: I'm like, who is this in the. In the. Hopping out. Get in the car. Like that look. That look like.
[00:13:02] Speaker A: Oh, my God, bro.
[00:13:03] Speaker B: He. It Even got a tattoo on the stomach. I didn't know Tory Lanez had tattoos, but, you know, he got a little tattoo right there that look like potatoes.
[00:13:11] Speaker A: Anyway, let us know if you're interested in this Meg Thee Stallion documentary, Hip Hop Nation, or comment. Let us know what you think about if you've seen it already or if you plan to watch it. Let us know. Join the group chat at. Effective immediately Live. Got some little tech right after this.
[00:13:25] Speaker C: Effective immediately with DJ Head and Gina.
[00:13:28] Speaker A: Views, Lil Durk on your radio is Effective immediately. I'm DJ Head.
[00:13:31] Speaker B: I'm Gina Views.
[00:13:33] Speaker A: Speaking of Lil Durk.
[00:13:34] Speaker B: Man, man, man, man. Lil Durk has to. Lil Durk was arrested. Yes, Lil Durk. Well, let's rewind a little bit, okay. Because we actually didn't even report last week when he got the keys to the city.
[00:13:47] Speaker A: Correct.
[00:13:47] Speaker B: So he got the keys to two cities, actually.
[00:13:50] Speaker A: Yeah.
[00:13:50] Speaker B: And then the next day.
[00:13:52] Speaker A: Yeah, they came and got him.
[00:13:54] Speaker B: They came and got him. And then the mayor actually revoked the keys. She took. Give me my chain. She took the keys back. She took the keys back.
[00:14:03] Speaker A: Took the keys back. And ended the partnership with his foundation. Now, this is. To me now, I have mixed emotions or mixed feelings about this scenario. Right. Because if you give somebody the key to the city, obviously you're so on good faith that they are absolutely being upstanding and whatnot.
[00:14:23] Speaker B: That's not fair.
[00:14:24] Speaker A: So you don't think. You don't think people should take it back either?
[00:14:27] Speaker B: Hell, no. You just gave it to him. And that's the thing. You gave it to him with his known record. Fact, two years ago, he beat murder.
[00:14:34] Speaker A: Right.
[00:14:35] Speaker B: The other thing is he had just. I forget if this was on his. It was posted to one of his social media accounts, and he said that he was happy that he was able to get a second chance and how his record was like, you know, erased clean and, you know, he's on a good path and things like that, and then this shit happens. I don't think that that's fair to take the keys back because he's a representation that you can do better with the correct resources. Yeah, you can't. You know, like, we should be able to get second chances. We should be able to change our life around. That's. That wasn't fair to me.
[00:15:06] Speaker A: But I'm just saying, like, I see all that. This always happens, though, especially in our culture. Like, people go down, they get charged, they get indicted, they go to jail, whatever the case may be. Obviously, Diddy lost his, too, but that's a different case. But I'm just saying.
[00:15:20] Speaker B: Take them keys.
[00:15:23] Speaker A: I'm just saying, like, don't throw them.
Went far. So you think he should lost his.
[00:15:28] Speaker B: Hell, yeah.
[00:15:29] Speaker A: Okay, so it matters what they do or what? Like, what's the pretense? What's the condition that they lose the key?
[00:15:34] Speaker B: The difference is Dirk has a past that is current.
[00:15:41] Speaker A: Yeah, but this was current. Lil Durk. They didn't arrest him for nothing on the past. I mean, it was two years ago. But we don't.
[00:15:49] Speaker B: He beat it.
[00:15:50] Speaker A: No, I'm doing what they just got it for. He ain't beat yet. They just.
[00:15:53] Speaker B: Well, he.
[00:15:54] Speaker A: You.
[00:15:54] Speaker B: Two years ago, he beat that.
[00:15:56] Speaker A: Yeah, but this is not.
[00:15:58] Speaker B: We don't know if he did that. You guilty until proven innocent. I mean, you innocent until proven.
[00:16:03] Speaker A: I. I agree with you, but I'm just saying, like, I don't know, It's. To me, it's a tricky situation. We let the people decide. You know what I'm saying? Court of public opinion. It never.
[00:16:11] Speaker B: Now we. Now we want to let the people decide.
[00:16:13] Speaker A: I was about to say it never goes well.
It never goes well. I think. I think Young Thug is the only person to survive. Court of public opinion.
[00:16:19] Speaker B: Hey, and you know what? You want to know what's so crazy because. And maybe 50 cent with the Thug situation, you couldn't have predicted that today, you know, what just recently happened, that he would come home. So there couldn't be a brighter side to this. With Dirk.
[00:16:34] Speaker A: With Dirk, Yeah. I mean, hopefully, I would, like.
[00:16:36] Speaker B: It's a meme going around with them on the computer, and it said Dirk. It said Thug showing Dirk caused a mistrial. Did you see that?
[00:16:45] Speaker A: Oh, my God.
[00:16:46] Speaker B: You know, we niggas. You gotta throw a little laughter in there.
[00:16:49] Speaker A: Oh, my God. But it's like, that's so dark.
[00:16:52] Speaker B: No.
[00:16:54] Speaker A: Jesus. Anyway, don't tamper with the legal system, okay? All you Trumpers out there, bro, that's not the joke.
[00:17:02] Speaker B: Oh, my God. What the.
[00:17:03] Speaker A: I know that's not the joke. I'm just saying you done turned the.
[00:17:06] Speaker B: Jokes to some other.
[00:17:08] Speaker A: Anyway, Real Boston Richie is coming up right after this. Keep it like it's effective immediately.
[00:17:13] Speaker C: Effective immediately. With DJ Head and Gina Views.
[00:17:17] Speaker A: That was that DOI Right now on your radio is effective immediately. I'm DJ Head.
[00:17:20] Speaker B: I'm Gina Views.
[00:17:21] Speaker A: Yes. And shout out to, you know, your goat.
We got the snippet of the video. Actually, we got the video, and it's called no Face.
[00:17:31] Speaker B: No Face.
[00:17:32] Speaker A: How'd you feel about the video?
[00:17:35] Speaker B: I don't too much. I don't know. If I don't know.
[00:17:40] Speaker A: You sound hella confused.
[00:17:43] Speaker B: I only watched it one time, so I haven't really been able to dissect it. But from what I'm looking at, he's like rolling through the. Rolling through the mall. That's player. I ain't never seen niggas driving through the mall, so I guess he got it like that. You feel me? He might own that motherfucking mall. I don't know. That's kind of hard. But the thing that just stood out to me is that it looks very, like, goonish. It looks very tough. It's like. Yeah. And I never was attracted to Drake for any. Like, we from the hood.
[00:18:13] Speaker A: Toughtivities, tuftivities.
[00:18:16] Speaker B: Toughtivities. I like that. Yeah, we wasn't like. That's not. That's not why we go to Drake.
[00:18:23] Speaker A: We go to Drake.
[00:18:24] Speaker B: We go to Drake for the bars. We go to Drake for the girl records. We go to Drake because he's in touch with his emotional side. We go to Drake because he uplift the women.
[00:18:33] Speaker A: I like Drake with the melodies. I don't like Drake when he act tough.
[00:18:38] Speaker B: Okay, you just quoted Kendrick Lamar. I see what you did there. I see what you did there. That's why they calling you DJ Blowjob.
That's why they saying that shit to you right there. That's exactly what why. Right there.
[00:18:52] Speaker A: That's why. That's why they. That's why.
[00:18:53] Speaker B: I see why they saying that about you.
[00:18:55] Speaker A: No, I just think that. I mean. Finish your thought. Go ahead.
[00:18:58] Speaker B: No, it just. It just looked like he trying to show us that, like, he a thug, like, that he gangster, that he involved in a lifestyle. And although that was never displayed within, like, his visuals and stuff like that, he could have already been tapped into the hood. I don't know, but I don't. I just don't know what. I don't know, but I can never complain when is rapping. I love to see niggas rapping. This is what I've been begging Drake to do is fucking rap. Say some cool shit. He said, you niggas got high off the features that I skated on, nigga. Yeah, talk that shit. Because they did.
Them niggas did get hot off the features that you skated on, nigga. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I like that.
[00:19:34] Speaker A: You just don't like when he.
[00:19:36] Speaker B: I like that record.
[00:19:37] Speaker A: Okay, you just.
[00:19:39] Speaker B: You just quoted I can be DJ Blowjob.
Yeah. I can do that. You can't.
[00:19:45] Speaker A: Anyway, shout out to Drake. All right, it's effective immediately.
[00:19:49] Speaker C: Effective immediately. With DJ Head and Gina Views.
[00:19:53] Speaker A: Shout out to Gunna on your radio. It's effective immediately. I'm DJ Head.
[00:19:56] Speaker B: I'm Gina Views.
[00:19:57] Speaker A: All right. Shout out to my young homie, Roddy Ricch. He announced that that album, actually, after Tyler the Creator dropped, he said, I'm next. Then he announced that he's dropping the album on December 6, which is interesting because when Please Excuse Me for Anti Being. Please Excuse Me for Being Antisocial came out, he also dropped that in December. And I was like, it was too wide. Acclaim. Everybody loved it. You know, some people called it a instant classic, whatever. He got a diamond record off of it, stuff like that. So I think December is a good month, you know, for Roddy, even though he never. It's usually after the deadline where he don't get to be considered for album of the year and stuff like that, because it's, like, right at the end of the year type shit. Anyway, long story short, he announced that that's coming December 6th. And I saw mixed emotions. I saw people saying that they couldn't wait for it. I also saw people like, all right, nigga, this your last chance. Like, you know, to make an impact with me or something. I'm hopeful. I haven't. To full transparency. I haven't talked to Roddy in a while. I haven't heard any of the new music that he's been working on. I haven't even been to the studio. I hit him up. I haven't heard from him. So I have no insight for you people. Okay, stop DMing me and stop texting my phone.
[00:21:03] Speaker B: I don't know I could possibly have some insight. I let everybody know that Number One Freak is one of my favorite songs from him, Bet. And he said, thank you. And I told him to keep the female tracks coming.
[00:21:18] Speaker A: He said, bet, no, Street.
[00:21:20] Speaker B: No, we need to street. Okay, Street. Because, you know, like, you know, I'm a Leo, you know? What.
What does this mean, being a Leo mean, like, you know, you gotta. You gotta understand how to. How to tame your Leo and how to treat your Leo. Your Leo is a little gangster, but a little baby.
[00:21:41] Speaker A: All in a sensitive gangster.
[00:21:43] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah. I'm emotional as a motherfucker.
[00:21:45] Speaker A: Damn.
[00:21:46] Speaker B: But in other news, the Wayne's Brothers.
[00:21:48] Speaker A: Oh, yeah.
[00:21:48] Speaker B: I already know now. I spent my whole Halloween in the house watching scream 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. You had a lot of wear my.
[00:21:58] Speaker A: Mask on which you watched the movie.
[00:22:00] Speaker B: With your mask and my dog.
[00:22:01] Speaker A: It's crazy.
[00:22:02] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah, yeah.
[00:22:02] Speaker A: You're a lunatic.
[00:22:03] Speaker B: I'm really like that. I got the mask hanging up in my living room. I'm really like, Scream is like. Like, that's my movie. I was so happy when they brought the franchise back. One of the directors followed me. Like, it's like really cracking over here.
[00:22:15] Speaker A: Okay.
[00:22:16] Speaker B: But I was very excited to see that the Wayne's brothers are actually a part of the reboot for Scary Movie. So I don't know if people. How, you know, knowledgeable people are, but the Wayne brothers had actually.
I don't want to say they lost, and I don't want to say they removed themselves because I don't know what the situation is, but they weren't involved. They were not involved in three through.
I don't know how many scary. I stopped watching them. Yeah, I did too, when the Wayne's brothers fell off. Because Scary Movie initially, like, the first one, it was a parody of Scream.
[00:22:48] Speaker A: Yeah.
[00:22:49] Speaker B: And like, by the rest of them, it wasn't even about Scream no more. They kind of involved the, you know, the other ones. But that's also because Scream ended on Scream 3 in 2001. So now they're bringing it back. Also, people know that Scream, the original movie that, you know, that had came back too. So now the Wayne's brothers are back involved. I hope.
Now this. A lot of. A lot of stuff that has happened that we've been wanting Boondocks to come back to do's. It doesn't have to do with scary movies per se, but I'm hoping that the Wayne's brothers do, like, some type of service to the fans who want the shit that's on a timeline and an algorithm to be made fun of.
[00:23:32] Speaker A: Yeah. You know, I think I just want them to include some social media stuff.
[00:23:36] Speaker B: Yes. Yeah.
[00:23:37] Speaker A: Like, if they include a little social media stuff, maybe some pop culture stuff, they don't have to be focused, hyper focused on Scream, even though Scream came back.
[00:23:44] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:23:45] Speaker A: Cause a lot of people aren't familiar with the new generation or new iteration of Scream and stuff like that. But if they incorporate some fly stuff, I think it'll be Fire and. And the Wayans brothers. When it come to that parody stuff, nobody can really fuck with them.
[00:23:55] Speaker B: You think that they can buy Boondocks?
[00:23:57] Speaker A: No.
[00:23:59] Speaker B: Is there something going on with Boondocks?
[00:24:01] Speaker A: I don't know, but I'm gonna ask. That's a good question.
[00:24:03] Speaker B: Yeah, we need. If 50 Cent can get somebody, we need Boondocks, like, as the culture needs boondocks.
[00:24:08] Speaker A: I don't think it's 50 is the person. No, not for boondocks.
[00:24:11] Speaker B: 50 could do anything to me. Like, I agree with you, but I Entertainment.
[00:24:15] Speaker A: I like 50 doing what he does. I like stories.
[00:24:17] Speaker B: I want 50 to take over screen.
[00:24:22] Speaker A: Well, there you go. There's your pitch. Okay, she got a whole deck.
[00:24:25] Speaker B: Hey, I want 50 to go get everything. I want 50. I trust 50 with everything. But I definitely want a roll in scary movie.
[00:24:32] Speaker A: Oh, put your bid in.
[00:24:33] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah, I need a roll. I don't even really need a full roll. I can get a placement in there without any lines.
[00:24:39] Speaker A: You can just be a walk through.
[00:24:41] Speaker B: Yeah, just have me walk in the background.
[00:24:43] Speaker A: Okay, we can see what we can do.
[00:24:44] Speaker B: I make niggas rat.
[00:24:45] Speaker A: There you go. I don't think it'd be that, but anyway, some polo G glow. Really? Right after this lotto and cardi on your radio. It's effective immediately.
[00:24:52] Speaker C: Effective immediately. With DJ Head and Gina Views.
[00:24:56] Speaker A: Yo. It's effective immediately. I'm DJ Head.
[00:24:58] Speaker B: I'm Gina Views.
[00:24:59] Speaker A: Election is upon us. Okay, everything that has been going on over the last 18 months is officially here Tuesday. Okay? If you're listening to this, watching this, whatever, November 5th is the day to vote. You can get in before then too. You can do your mail in, you can do your pre voting, whatever, however you want to get it, how you live, champ. Either way, we want you to vote. I'm not telling you who to vote for. I'm not telling you what to vote for.
I have my picks. Gina Views has her picks. But just exercise your right to vote. You know, if you listening to this on the radio all over the country, don't sit at the house, don't be one of the people who complain and don't do anything about it. Look into your local election as well. See what's going on locally for you. Because that's what's going to dictate how you drop your kids off. I mean, I'm sorry, when you drop your kids off, how child care is being covered by the state, how school programs are getting funded, how your judge and your congressman are going to dictate laws. Like different things like that is very important.
[00:25:58] Speaker B: Yes. Get out there and vote. One of the things that I'm like, one of the main reasons of course is the president election. But that high ass rent.
[00:26:07] Speaker A: Oh yeah, you voting for that?
[00:26:08] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
I wish. I can only check that one prop.
[00:26:13] Speaker A: Well, you can in theory. You can leave other stuff blank.
[00:26:16] Speaker B: Oh, you can?
[00:26:17] Speaker A: Yeah. You don't have to check anything. So don't go in there. It ain't a multiple choice. Like, oh, I'm gonna just pick C. That ain't what this is.
[00:26:22] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:26:23] Speaker A: If you don't.
[00:26:23] Speaker B: Well, that's what I was thinking.
[00:26:25] Speaker A: That's why I'm saying I was gonna.
[00:26:26] Speaker B: Vote for rent and then everything else is gonna be C. Okay.
[00:26:30] Speaker A: So if you, if you.
[00:26:31] Speaker B: I'm just playing Hip Hop Nation.
I'm just playing Hip Hop Nation. Okay. Read the, read the books. If you, even if you need to get on ChatGPT.
[00:26:42] Speaker A: Yes. And you, and you can also, you know, you can take your phone into the poll with you and you can research it. They can't tell you how long you have to vote.
[00:26:51] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:26:51] Speaker A: So if you in there, you don't know something, look it up, read up on whatever, whatever it's asking you. I wouldn't recommend going to a specific website other than a government one because sometimes it'll be leaning this way or that way. They might just read straight up information and make your own decision.
[00:27:05] Speaker B: They have it available. So I mean, if you. I encourage people to take the. The time to actually read the booklet. They did mail it to everybody. Yeah, read the booklet, go through each prop and decide which prop works best for you in your situation. What works best for my situation is to get that rent low facts.
[00:27:24] Speaker A: Also, you know, the reason why it's important is because sometimes the people you vote for are not what's actually happening. What I mean by that is you might vote for this person and that person is pushing for this agenda.
[00:27:35] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:27:36] Speaker A: And so you also have to pay attention to that. Which brings me to, you know, we just got the news that the airlines have to get give you a full refund if they cancel your flight or delay it up to several hours. Which is incredible. Like, why has this never been a law?
[00:27:50] Speaker B: That's why I'm like, what's up with that back pay?
[00:27:52] Speaker A: No, we're not getting back pay because.
[00:27:53] Speaker B: I done got some delayed flights, canceled flights, and you know, I need that.
[00:27:56] Speaker A: Back pay shout out to the Biden Harris, you know, administration who've been lobbying for this all year. It finally went through.
[00:28:02] Speaker B: That's a good point though, that the airline thing is a good point because one thing, because I'll find myself like complaining about things that are like happening in the community. And I think that people should take note of the things that they are complaining about and figure out which candidate and which prop caters to the specific thing that you want change from.
[00:28:21] Speaker A: That's It. Do your due diligence, get out there and vote. This is the last time we gonna talk Hip Hop Nation before voting season. So we encourage everybody to get out there and vote. We hope for a safe and fair election. I'll be in the mix right after. This is Hip Hop Nation, effective immediately.
[00:28:36] Speaker C: Injecting integrity and authenticity in the game.
[00:28:39] Speaker B: You a freaky ass. You just got to condemn.
[00:28:43] Speaker A: Look at this right now and say, head and Gina gonna work. I'll kick your heads.
[00:28:47] Speaker B: Ringing the hottest hip hop along with exclusive premieres.
[00:28:50] Speaker C: Effective immediately. With DJ Head and Gina Views.
[00:28:54] Speaker B: Like, you put these motherfucking glasses on. He start talking like TI he's just using big words for nothing.
[00:28:58] Speaker C: On Hip Hop Nation, the sound of the culture.
[00:29:02] Speaker A: Thank you for listening and tuning in each and every week on Effective immediately. I'm DJ Head.
[00:29:06] Speaker B: I'm Gina Views.
[00:29:08] Speaker A: Yes. Hip Hop Nation. We appreciate you much and make sure you get out there and vote.
[00:29:12] Speaker B: Get out there and vote. You know, it's the first of the month, y'all. That rent due. Darn. Pay my rent. Check this motherfucker high.
They just asked me if I wanted to re. What is it called?
[00:29:26] Speaker A: Sign your lease.
[00:29:27] Speaker B: Sign my lease. And the 12 months sound cool. Cause it only go up a couple 40, 60, $80. But if I don't sign, it goes up like $600.
[00:29:38] Speaker A: For real?
[00:29:39] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:29:40] Speaker A: Oh, that's crazy.
[00:29:41] Speaker B: I'm like, who? I got to, you know, get my rent cheaper?
You gotta get out there and vote.
You gotta get out there and vote. This shit too damn high. Like, what is it? Prop 34? Prop 35? I'm like, shit.
[00:30:01] Speaker A: She said, y'all gotta get out there and vote.
Whooping me.
[00:30:06] Speaker B: This kicking my ass, motherfucker is resolved.
[00:30:13] Speaker A: Hey, y'all gotta get out there and vote, Nigga.
[00:30:15] Speaker B: Rent and minimum wage do not add up.
[00:30:18] Speaker A: Oh, my God. Anyway, please do that. We'll be back next week. Like, comment subscribe on the YouTube. Make sure you follow on all platforms. And please, please, please, if you can. If you're watching this on YouTube, hit that subscribe button.
[00:30:32] Speaker B: Hit that subscribe button.
[00:30:33] Speaker A: Okay? We've been going up, you know what I'm saying? And I don't want people to be able to talk shit about our numbers forever.
[00:30:38] Speaker B: And y'all see y'all. You know, I see y'all like the content.
[00:30:41] Speaker A: They liking it.
[00:30:41] Speaker B: Oh, and tell the niggas that do talk shit about our numbers, like, let them know we is a new show, though. Like, and if that nigga handed out somebody, he got a deal. Let us. Let us know. Shit.
[00:30:51] Speaker A: Yeah, we appreciate everybody. Also, go to the website, join our group chat. Go to effectiveimmediately Live. That's the website. It's a group chat tab. Join our group chat, fuck with us on Twitter, too. Hit that follow and we'll be back next week. We appreciate you, Hip Hop Nation, effective immediately.