Episode Transcript
[00:00:04] Speaker A: Yo, it's effective immediately. I'm DJ head.
[00:00:06] Speaker B: What up, bro? This your favorite homegirl? Gina View.
[00:00:08] Speaker A: We got a special guest in the building today. His first visit to our show. But my brother, the homie toozie is here.
[00:00:14] Speaker C: Know what it is? What's the word? What's word?
[00:00:16] Speaker A: Carolina's finest. Most definitely better, you know what I'm saying? Thank you for pulling up, you know what I'm saying? And I appreciate you always being, you know, I guess you could say accommodating with me.
We did some dope stuff at FYI. You used it for gambling.
[00:00:33] Speaker C: Better believe it. Better believe it. I mean, I use it for everything. My homeboy over there, you see the muscles on him? My boy getting big. He using it for workout routines.
[00:00:41] Speaker A: Oh, for real?
[00:00:42] Speaker C: For sure.
[00:00:42] Speaker A: Oh, y'all using it for real?
[00:00:44] Speaker C: Nah, for show. We ain't playing. You should have never gave us access to that.
[00:00:48] Speaker B: How much you done got whipped for on prize picks?
[00:00:49] Speaker C: I mean, too much.
Too much. Oh my God. If I told the number, I'd probably be wisho almost wondehe my most one.
[00:00:58] Speaker B: Almost one, you know, I tell you, almost one.
[00:01:00] Speaker C: Oh, I mean, I had a few like that though, like. Cause I almost won a million. For real.
[00:01:06] Speaker B: Oh, you bet ten bears?
[00:01:07] Speaker C: I bet a hundred thousand. I bet a hundred thousand.
[00:01:10] Speaker A: On what?
[00:01:11] Speaker C: On prize picks. I bet a hundred thousand on a four pick. But I don't want, I don't want a million too. I don't want, like, I don't want.
[00:01:18] Speaker A: Like you want a million?
[00:01:20] Speaker C: Yeah, I don't want like 1.5 million off prospects.
[00:01:23] Speaker B: What was the game?
[00:01:24] Speaker C: It was the Eagles game. It was an Eagles game. What?
[00:01:27] Speaker B: I'm in the wrong group chat facts.
[00:01:29] Speaker C: I'm trying to tell you.
I. Come get with me now. Let's get y'all right. It was an Eagles game.
[00:01:34] Speaker A: Hey, do you know now speak. I know sports betting is one of them things that's fairly new to the average person, but if you know, you know, right?
[00:01:41] Speaker C: If you know, you know.
[00:01:42] Speaker A: Are you one of the people who like sell your picks or are you not that good? You not raw like that yet?
[00:01:46] Speaker C: No, no, no. I'm like that.
[00:01:47] Speaker A: You like? That was crazy.
[00:01:51] Speaker C: Okay, wait, what?
[00:01:52] Speaker A: I said you're not raw like that.
[00:01:53] Speaker C: But I don't know. That's crazy.
[00:01:55] Speaker B: That's crazy.
[00:01:57] Speaker C: But I know what you meant though. Okay, but, but I sell my pics, but um, I sell my picks, but not like really? Cause I got a, I got a free discord as well. Like I got a free discord. Yeah, I got a free. Yeah, I got a discord. I got. I got a.
[00:02:13] Speaker B: You need the link.
[00:02:14] Speaker C: Yeah, yeah, yeah.
[00:02:15] Speaker B: Niggas on discord. Yeah.
[00:02:17] Speaker C: Nah, join it. You be on discord.
[00:02:19] Speaker B: No, I don't know nothing about this for.
[00:02:21] Speaker C: I click the link, get on discord. I'll see you to link to my discord. Join the discord. I'll be posting my pics in there.
[00:02:28] Speaker A: So it's a community. Do you charge a subscription?
[00:02:31] Speaker C: Yeah, I got a subscription, but for the heat, really hustling the people. Listen, the people that send us in, the subscribers get more pics than the average person. Yeah. Like, so if you just in a discord. Like, I might send one pick in there, but my. My people that subscribe, and they gonna get every pick that I put in for the day.
[00:02:48] Speaker A: Word?
[00:02:48] Speaker C: Yeah, for sure.
[00:02:49] Speaker A: Have you ever bought someone else's picks, like, even when you first got started?
[00:02:53] Speaker C: Nah, they give them to me. Cause, you know, I'm too. See, but, like, other than that, like, I Lyflex life flex, you know, I love. But like I said, I would buy somebody pics, though.
[00:03:04] Speaker A: Like, if they hit it, who's somebody who you would buy from? Cause I know it's like two dudes.
[00:03:08] Speaker C: It's this dude. It's this dude named. It's this dude named joke. It's a few people that's a part of my community, too. Like, I would buy pics from them if I had to.
[00:03:19] Speaker A: How much is a subscription to Toosey's community for pics?
[00:03:22] Speaker C: I think it's like $29.99 a month.
[00:03:24] Speaker A: God damn.
[00:03:25] Speaker C: 29.99 a month.
[00:03:26] Speaker B: The nigga more than Netflix.
[00:03:27] Speaker C: So that. Come on.
$29.99 a month.
[00:03:31] Speaker A: You ain't got as much content as Netflix.
[00:03:32] Speaker C: See, but the thing is. Nah, nah. I ain't got as much content, but I'm giving you money back. Come on.
[00:03:37] Speaker A: So I'm guaranteed to win.
[00:03:39] Speaker C: You're guaranteed to get your money back. That you done paid for the subscription. For sure.
You gonna make that back.
[00:03:44] Speaker B: I wanna join the discord of the n that got banned.
[00:03:46] Speaker C: Nah, for sure.
[00:03:47] Speaker B: That they banned from all the arenas.
[00:03:49] Speaker C: Oh, yeah, for sure. For sure. For sure. Oh, who is that?
[00:03:52] Speaker B: I forget his name.
[00:03:53] Speaker C: It's a. Now it's not.
[00:03:55] Speaker B: I don't even think he could bet anymore.
[00:03:57] Speaker C: That's crazy. It's a few ones out here.
[00:04:00] Speaker A: I know. Somebody just got in trouble. I'm not gonna rehash it, but somebody got in trouble for betting on games and stuff like that.
[00:04:06] Speaker C: On yourself.
[00:04:08] Speaker A: It was the homie that was placing his bets. You know what I'm saying?
[00:04:10] Speaker B: I ain't gonna say his name, though.
[00:04:12] Speaker C: Yeah, yeah, yeah.
[00:04:13] Speaker A: Do your own research. But do you think that as an athlete, right? Cause you're an artist.
[00:04:18] Speaker C: How do they even find that out? That's crazy.
[00:04:20] Speaker A: Oh, they invent. So I was talking to. I just was in Vegas, I was talking to the homie. He lives and breathes this sports bet and shit. That's why it's so fresh in my mind. But he was telling me that they investigate the shit out of you. Like, if you like, let's say Toosey is LeBron James cousin, right? And you hit him, they gonna go look into all your shit, your DM's and all, everything. So it's crucial because you gotta understand, it's like a huge business, a billion dollar business industry. So from your perspective, do you think the athletes should be able to bet on the games and themselves?
That would change dynamic.
[00:04:55] Speaker C: Change the dynamic of the whole game. Okay, but they shouldn't pin it.
Yeah, nah, they can't do that. They can't do that.
[00:05:04] Speaker A: I brought it up because in music, I remember them. I don't know, I'll ask Arnold after we finished. But in music, they were trying to do this with music, with artists, sports.
[00:05:14] Speaker C: Betting, I mean, music betting, yes.
[00:05:16] Speaker A: It wasn't betting, it was more like equity. So, like, as a toosey fan, I can buy equity in your new album. Like, if I wanted equity and jaded, I can buy some from south coast or from, you know, UMG. That's crazy. Basically now as a fan, I'm invested in your success.
[00:05:32] Speaker C: Yeah. That's wild.
[00:05:33] Speaker A: So like, that's a whole nother market cap.
[00:05:36] Speaker C: They need to let the fans invest in it. What? That's real estate.
[00:05:38] Speaker A: You think that would assist in.
[00:05:39] Speaker C: Yeah, this music real estate? Yeah, let them have a piece of it. Like what? I don't like this music real estate.
It's like me owning the property and people wanting to get buy off of my property or like, you know, rent off of my property. Go ahead.
[00:05:52] Speaker B: Have you done any investing since you became.
[00:05:55] Speaker C: I think now is like a time where I'm really like pivoting into investing. So, like, I'm really late.
[00:06:00] Speaker A: Like late.
[00:06:01] Speaker C: Lately I've been in financial, into financial literacy heavy. Like, I've been reading books. Like reading more often than I ever have. Like rich dad, poor dad.
[00:06:09] Speaker A: I started with that one too.
[00:06:10] Speaker C: Yeah, yeah, yeah, exactly.
[00:06:11] Speaker B: That's when they can start reading them books. Ladies.
[00:06:14] Speaker C: Yeah.
You already know what time it is. I'm locked in.
[00:06:18] Speaker A: I'm gonna tell you something. Rich dad, poor dad, game changer. You finished that one already?
[00:06:22] Speaker C: No, no, no, I'm almost done.
[00:06:23] Speaker A: Okay, when you finish that, it's a sequel to that one. Same author, Rob Kiyosaki, is called the cash flow quadrant. That changed my life.
That book made me leave I heart.
[00:06:35] Speaker C: Yeah. Wow, that's crazy. That's crazy.
[00:06:37] Speaker A: And somebody told me about it, and I'll tell you off mic, but somebody else told me about that book, and it changed my life, bro.
[00:06:43] Speaker C: I'm gonna check it out. I'm gonna check it out. It's a few. It's like the 22 immutable laws. Like, I'm like, it's a few books that I'm branding.
[00:06:51] Speaker A: All that.
[00:06:52] Speaker C: I got branded. Yup. And all that. Yep, yep. He owned it 1500 or nothing. Ranting him, actually, who put me on it. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. For sure. But, like, other than that, like ten x project, I don't know, it's a bunch of books that I've been on lately.
[00:07:04] Speaker A: When you saw my financial literacy, do you feel like you haven't had that, like you was splurging, wilding?
[00:07:09] Speaker C: No, I ain't had financial literacy at all, bro.
[00:07:12] Speaker A: So you just wilding?
[00:07:13] Speaker C: I was bugging. I used to like, yo, I was spending, like, heavy, like, not like little boys spending.
[00:07:21] Speaker B: What's the first thing you bought when you got your deal?
[00:07:23] Speaker C: First thing I bought when I got my deal.
What was the first? I think a demon. I bought a demon.
[00:07:30] Speaker A: A dodge.
[00:07:30] Speaker C: I bought a Dodge demon.
[00:07:32] Speaker B: I was going to say, define that for the poor people.
The nigga went to hell.
You talking a super freak where you defined demon?
[00:07:44] Speaker C: Nah, I bought a Dodge demon. That was the first thing I ever did. When I first signed my deal, I bought a house and bought a Dodge demon.
[00:07:51] Speaker B: Demon cash.
[00:07:52] Speaker C: Mm hmm.
[00:07:53] Speaker B: Where that demon at?
[00:07:55] Speaker C: Out of there. That car was like bad luck or something.
[00:07:58] Speaker B: You wrecked it.
[00:07:59] Speaker C: Yeah. I won't lie. Wrecked my car a few times.
[00:08:01] Speaker A: Damn.
[00:08:02] Speaker C: But it was. I mean, it was one of the fastest cars they ever made.
[00:08:05] Speaker A: Do you consider yourself a good driver? Like one to ten?
[00:08:08] Speaker C: I'm a wonderful driver.
[00:08:09] Speaker A: But you wrecked your car multiple times.
[00:08:11] Speaker C: I did. Crazy part is, I didn't wreck it.
[00:08:13] Speaker A: You never.
[00:08:14] Speaker C: It's never, it's never, it's never, it's never. First off, it's like, nobody borrowed my car. Nah, I'm trying to tell you, like, when you getting money in you, it's boring. When you don't share it with the guys.
[00:08:23] Speaker A: Like, oh, you let somebody do this.
[00:08:25] Speaker C: You feel me? Like, my homie wrecked it.
[00:08:27] Speaker A: My mom ain't never drove my car. I ain't even lying to you. And she lived with me.
[00:08:31] Speaker C: My mom broke. My mom done drove my car. But, see, my mom. I don't let my mom drive certain cars, but my mom, like, done drove.
[00:08:39] Speaker B: Like, I don't know, when people got your car, you don't feel a little nervous? Like, you don't just be thinking about it?
[00:08:45] Speaker C: Nah. Like, nah, I wasn't tripping. Like, now it's a little different. Cause I done seen it happen, man. My homeboy, like, he totaled my car. Like, it was bad. The whole front bumper was off. Like, it was, bro. It was bad.
[00:09:00] Speaker B: What was that conversation? Like?
[00:09:02] Speaker C: It was a hard conversation. Cause me and my homie almost fell out over the demon, over my whip.
[00:09:08] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:09:08] Speaker A: Now, we would have fell out over that.
[00:09:09] Speaker C: We almost fell out.
[00:09:10] Speaker A: Did he pay the deductible, the insurance?
[00:09:12] Speaker C: It's like. And that was the thing. It's like he.
That's why we almost fell out. Like, 16,000.
Like, I would lie, like, everything. Like, altogether, everything was like 16,000.
[00:09:23] Speaker B: Was he in the room in the accident?
[00:09:25] Speaker A: Yeah, he was racing or doing some bullshit.
[00:09:28] Speaker C: You know, you never get the full story.
[00:09:29] Speaker A: Yeah, you know what happened with minus truck came out of nowhere.
[00:09:32] Speaker C: Exactly. Yeah. Like, yeah, I would like my homie rough, bro. He like, yeah, we almost fell out about it, but, like, I'm like, we bigger than this. Like, we friends, like, yeah.
[00:09:43] Speaker A: All right.
[00:09:44] Speaker B: Had mentioned leaving. I heart. So speaking of that, our show is basically. It's called effective immediately. It's about both of us having a career shift. I was at no jumper. Got fired.
[00:09:55] Speaker C: Dang.
[00:09:55] Speaker B: He left where he was at, effective immediately. Just kind of represents our pivot in our careers, for sure. What's a moment in your life or since you've been successful, where you just immediately had to pivot?
[00:10:08] Speaker C: I think me having a kid, like, when I had a kid, it changed everything. Like, about how I was moving, the things that I was doing, everything. I think. I think having a kid just, like, changed my whole career, regular life, all of that. Thank you.
[00:10:27] Speaker B: During the birth or the pregnancy, all.
[00:10:30] Speaker C: Of it, right now, to this day, right now, today, like, you know, it just. Certain things I used to. Like, certain things I used to do I wouldn't do no more. Certain things I used to do, more than often I do less. Like, so I don't know. It really matured me, though. I will say that it matured me, and then it had me looking at certain things that I do do. Like, bro, you know, you bigger than this. You know? So, yeah.
[00:10:55] Speaker A: Did you feel like, when you had a kid, did you think, would it apply more pressure from a music or creative standpoint? Or was it more like you was. Sure.
[00:11:04] Speaker C: Yeah, for sure. But. But at the same time, no, because I'm not banking on music like I do music, but I'm not banking on it like, I ain't sitting here like, oh, this is my. This is the only thing that I'm gonna do to make money. No, this is just an outlet for me to be a billionaire. Like, you feel me? This is just an outlet for me to get this money, invest this money into something else and turn this money into that, like I'm trying to. So now I'm not banking on music. It's just, I think when I had a son, it put pressure on me to grow smarter, wiser, and stronger.
[00:11:34] Speaker A: Yeah.
[00:11:34] Speaker C: You know, other than that, it ain't really. Not with the music. No.
[00:11:37] Speaker B: I saw you say you didn't want to be famous. What about fame scares you?
[00:11:41] Speaker C: Everything. It's too. You don't got no privacy. And anything you say, people take it and flip it.
[00:11:47] Speaker A: It'd be a whole YouTube video.
[00:11:48] Speaker C: It'd be a whole YouTube video.
[00:11:49] Speaker A: Yeah.
[00:11:49] Speaker B: We gonna get into that live from yesterday, for sure.
[00:11:51] Speaker C: Like, it'd be a whole YouTube video on 15 seconds or something that you said, but they cut out. But they cut out the 30 seconds before that or the minute and 50 seconds before that.
[00:12:01] Speaker B: It's funny. Cause so I watched the whole live. I found it on YouTube. And you said, in the live.
[00:12:05] Speaker C: I said what they was gonna do.
[00:12:06] Speaker B: Take the part, right?
[00:12:08] Speaker C: I said, y'all gonna take this part, take it, and y'all gonna flip it somehow. Some, bro. As long as I've been in, I've been in the game four years. I've seen they do it over and over and over and over. It's just a way for blogs that, like. And then the people feed into it, which. But I'm the type person, like, I gotta get better at that, too. Cause I'm the type person.
Somebody was just telling me this, like, I don't care what people think. Like, I'm gonna let people say what they want. Cause when we get out in this real world, like, I'm bigger. I tell people all the time, I live in a real world. This media ain't the real world. When we get out in this real world, I'm still out here doing everything that I gotta do. Like, you can't. They can't never consider me to be no lame. I never been a lame a day in my life. I handle everything that I gotta handle. I take care of who I gotta take care of and I do what I'm supposed to do as a father figure and as a man. So when it comes to this Internet, you can never play with me. Like, I'm like. So when it comes to the Internet, I don't even. But it sucked. Cause I'm a celebrity. So I have to like a certain, like, image that I gotta uphold. But it sucked. No, cuz.
[00:13:12] Speaker A: And you're not allowed to trip how everybody else trip or, you know, you're not allowed to. Yeah.
[00:13:17] Speaker C: Facts. I can't say certain things that the next person to say. I can't do certain things.
[00:13:20] Speaker A: Somebody walk up into you and. Cause, like, I noticed this just recently. Cause what I've been going through for, you know, this year, right.
[00:13:27] Speaker B: They fucking you up.
[00:13:28] Speaker A: My mention's stupid. Okay.
[00:13:30] Speaker C: Oh, yeah.
So I hold on what you did, but I already.
[00:13:34] Speaker A: So it's like what? I can't really. I'm not celebrity like that.
[00:13:38] Speaker C: But you a part of history, though.
[00:13:40] Speaker A: I'm not celebrity, but what I can relate.
[00:13:43] Speaker B: No, he famous.
[00:13:44] Speaker C: Now you apart.
[00:13:45] Speaker A: I can't relate to people saying things to you online that they would never say to you.
[00:13:49] Speaker C: Yeah, for sure.
[00:13:50] Speaker A: If they saw you at Chipotle.
[00:13:51] Speaker C: Like, and that's the thing. They asked for a picture. But, like, bro, it's like, y'all have never said nothing to me in person, and y'all never will. So I'm not caught up in what y'all saying on the media. But what I don't like though, is when people with a platform say something like, that's my thing. Cause it's like I possibly bump into you, and if I bump into you, shorty, like, you would never. If I went out here right now and said something about x, Y and z, whoever you is, boy, girl, whatever, you not gonna say nothing. So why is you faking on the Internet? Like, you just gonna like, I hate that, bro. I'm. Cause me, I don't speak on people personal business. Not. At least not no more. If I ever did. I don't do it no more. I don't speak on people's personal business. So I don't know why the next person ever will.
[00:14:37] Speaker A: But also, also, here's the thing though. You gotta. You have to evolve out of that facts. So maybe those people haven't. I'm just saying.
[00:14:44] Speaker C: Yeah, and that's the other side of it. And that's. And that's the thing. Like I'm learning now. Like, I'm trying to get better, bro. It's crazy. Cause I was doing good before this little incident had happened. I was doing good. I haven't tweaked out in like seven months.
[00:15:00] Speaker A: Sometimes you gotta crash out sometimes.
[00:15:04] Speaker C: Nah. Cause I was wild. Yo, bro, it got to one point, like, they was trying to say, like. Cause my thing is too. Like, I tell people this all the time, too. See, I'm not going back and forth with no dude. Cause at the end of the day, when it comes to a man, like, I really do something to you when it comes to. You. Feel me, bro? Like, I really do something to you when it comes to a man. Like, I don't need nothing being traced back to me. Cause I really, like, hurt you when it comes to a female. That's as far as it's gonna go.
[00:15:32] Speaker A: It's taught.
[00:15:33] Speaker C: But also, words travel farther when females say stuff. Yeah, I agree. I. I be. I. It just so happened, right? Of course the females is gonna be the ones that talk. Cause my feet, my fan base is nothing but females. So it's never gonna be a dude that's saying stuff. It's always the females. So I be getting into it with the females and they be trying to tell me, like, oh, he's sassy. And he be like, nah. Like, I'm big on, like, if you lying about me, I'm going to say that you're lying. Would you want me to shut up about it?
[00:16:03] Speaker A: Like, no.
[00:16:03] Speaker C: Cause you said something about me and it got 6000 retweets. And I'm just. I'm never gonna confirm that you lying.
[00:16:10] Speaker A: He counting the retweets to be petty.
[00:16:17] Speaker C: That's what you feel me like that, bro, it's so many. Oh, my gosh. There's so many tweets going around, right? Me?
[00:16:22] Speaker A: Yeah, bro.
[00:16:23] Speaker C: They trying to say I hate women.
[00:16:24] Speaker A: No, I've heard that about me before.
[00:16:26] Speaker B: So I. Y'all are two capricorns.
[00:16:29] Speaker C: You a Capricorn?
[00:16:30] Speaker A: West coast? Hell yeah. Come on, bro.
I'm a Capricorn, bro.
[00:16:36] Speaker C: January 12, January 9.
[00:16:39] Speaker A: As you see, you a real Capricorn. No, December Capricorns.
They like the over the counter like Kirkland.
[00:16:47] Speaker C: I will not, baby. Baby, December any. Yeah, I will.
[00:16:50] Speaker B: I.
[00:16:50] Speaker C: He look, throw it all.
[00:16:51] Speaker A: That's what.
[00:16:52] Speaker C: That's why, baby. A little throw. That's what's cuz he December. December Cap when he December what?
Man, I listen the December ones day off listen, they us, but they, like times, like just cranked it up, got a little off.
[00:17:06] Speaker B: He might be a Sagittarius.
[00:17:08] Speaker C: Nah, like, I don't know, the Capricorn.
[00:17:10] Speaker A: Yeah, them December Capricorns be a little tweak.
[00:17:13] Speaker C: Cause my brother a December Capricorn. My brother throw it off. See, I would lie.
[00:17:17] Speaker B: All this Capricorn love. Let's turn it down.
[00:17:20] Speaker C: When your birthday?
[00:17:21] Speaker B: August. I'm a Leo.
[00:17:22] Speaker C: Oh, you good? You straight. August what?
August what?
[00:17:28] Speaker A: Why we on the radio?
[00:17:30] Speaker B: Yeah. I don't even post on my birthday. I post the day before, the day after. I can't. I got trauma.
[00:17:36] Speaker C: Okay.
[00:17:36] Speaker B: I feel like I came from a very toxic platform.
[00:17:40] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah.
[00:17:40] Speaker C: Facts.
That's understandable. But now I like that. See, that's like what come with being a bro. I do not like being a celebrity. Like, I do.
[00:17:50] Speaker A: Do you think that it has deterred you from dropping music or putting your music out?
[00:17:56] Speaker C: Like, yeah, I will say that, but just not really. Cause I don't let people control the narrative. But I will say, like, I just. It make me, like, it turned me nonchalant. Like, it make me care less. Like. And I don't want it. Like, this was something that I once had a dying love for, like, which I still do, but it's like, it's like, yo, it's too judgmental. It's not. It's no longer about the music. It's always about. It's always about your personal. What's going on with your relationship, how this going on? This going on that's going on. Make it about the music. Let's focus on the music because the music is what got me here.
[00:18:34] Speaker A: I remember talking to one of the homies and they said, that's the difference between America and other. Other countries is about the music.
[00:18:40] Speaker C: Other countries is about the music. They don't care about the personal life. We the only ones, really. And it's not even only America. It's just hip hop. Like, hip hop is one genre that really just focuses on what's going on with this person. Personal life.
What are they doing? And we don't. We not even a worst genre. Like, the stuff that we be going through and the stuff that people be doing in a regular life, we not even know.
[00:19:07] Speaker A: Oh, no, no. It's wild over there.
[00:19:08] Speaker C: Pop in country people is wild.
[00:19:11] Speaker A: Yeah, but see, but I'ma push back. And on the flip side again, in hip hop, I'll just say hip hop in culture in general, it's expected or at least the thought is that it's an authentic. It's coming from an authentic place. So you want to verify.
[00:19:25] Speaker C: And that's. And that was my problem, bro. Like, I used to be the person that wanted people to know me for me. I used to, like, always want to. And then it's like, I used to give them me and they take me and flip me. Like, no, nothing like that. Pause.
They'll take what I give them and flip everything that I was saying.
So I was like, what's the point of me giving y'all the real me if this. If y'all just gonna take it and make y'all yeah, y'all. Yeah. Like, bro. Cause I sort of. Everybody that meet me, I'm bro. Everybody will tell you I'm one of the most genuine people.
[00:20:01] Speaker A: You cool. You always been like that, though?
[00:20:02] Speaker C: For sure.
[00:20:04] Speaker B: Prior to.
[00:20:05] Speaker A: Go ahead.
[00:20:06] Speaker B: Prior to yesterday, did you. And what's to call it? Have any type of history?
[00:20:11] Speaker C: I don't even know that girl. I don't even know her. That's what I'm saying. I don't even know why she even speak on anything I got going on. Cause I don't even know her and I never speak. And me, and, like, the thing is, like, I know her and Vaughn was together. Like, me and Vaughn, if, you know, Toosey and Vaughn was close. Like, you know. So, like, I never, I never got into none of that. When, when the situation, I don't get in no politics. I don't speak on nobody business. So, like, I leave it for, like, bro, I feel like everybody that's on the Internet that be just constantly having something negative to say, they don't got nothing going on with their life. The economy messed up. Like, that's why people so, so negative.
[00:20:48] Speaker B: Everybody broke.
[00:20:49] Speaker C: I'm. Everybody broke.
[00:20:50] Speaker B: You gotta send out that link.
[00:20:51] Speaker A: You that promise I do want to give you.
[00:20:55] Speaker C: If you hate me, I'm dropping a prize pick slip tonight. Feel me? We gonna get paid together. I'm gonna get that hate out chart.
[00:21:03] Speaker A: I do wanna give you props, though. You've been consistent since 2019. I know it's not you. It's a team effort. You know what I'm saying? Shout out to south coast, shout out to Arnold. Everything but 2019. All the way up until now, you done dropped every single year, which is hard to do in the climate that we in, number one. Number two, it's also hard to do and still be consistently good because, you know, you just have. You just went four times platinum and counting, you know, congrats on that. That's not. That's not something that everybody can say either.
[00:21:30] Speaker C: Yeah, for sure.
[00:21:31] Speaker A: I appreciate. But with this new album with Jaded, I thought to me was. It was dope cohesion. Yeah, I thought you took more risks, which I appreciate for sure. Was that intentional?
[00:21:43] Speaker C: Yeah, definitely. I definitely took a lot more risk with this project than ever, bro. Like, this don't sound like nothing that I ever dropped. Yeah, sound like favorite song. Love is love cycle don't sound like none of that stuff, Mandy. And the reason being is because I'm trying to evolve, bro. The goal is to evolve. It's not to stay stagnant and sound like every other project that I done dropped. I hear people all the time ask, like, you need to be the 2022 c. You need to go back to when you was rapping the street stuff, and I'm like, yo, like, this ain't. That's cool, but y'all don't know the background of this stuff. Like, y'all don't know about the billboard top two hundred s and y'all don't know what it's like to taste the hit. Y'all don't know what it's like to be on a billboard hot one hundred s and billboard top two hundred s and all of that for weeks upon weeks, like, you know, like, you go to look at the billboard top 200 right now, it's still Drake records up there from 20, 1615.
That's the goal. That's what we aspire to be like. And I felt like the music that I was making was cool for the moment, but it wasn't timeless records. It was just cool for my core fans, and I needed to give the world something, you know?
[00:22:51] Speaker A: I really appreciate that perspective because a lot of people get stuck in that. I called it a little success bubble, for sure. Chilling circuit.
[00:22:58] Speaker C: Oh, as long as it's working, man.
[00:23:00] Speaker A: I'm getting. I'm getting 50 a show. Like, I'm cool. Like, bro, but it's. There's 500s for you, bro.
[00:23:05] Speaker C: There's 500. And that's what I'm saying. Like, I seen a video. I've seen a video of coldplay performing stars in the sky at a festival, and it was like, almost like, I think it was like 100,000 people out there or something like that. And I'm like, this the type stuff we aspire to do, bro. Like, this is the life that we want to live. We want to. I want to.
I want the world to know my name. Like, you know, I don't want it to. I want to be able to travel around the world and they love me. Like, not just in America and I done did us tours and they've been sold out successful. But I want to be one of them greats. And the only way that I'm gonna be one of the greats is by working like one of the greats. Right? So that's what I try to do with this project. I'm tired of dropping the. Oh, the stuff out of the basement and just putting it out and teasing it. No, like, I want to be a superstar.
[00:24:04] Speaker A: The street singles and stuff like that.
[00:24:06] Speaker B: I think that with this one, though, like, party girl anthem.
[00:24:10] Speaker C: Nah, for sure.
[00:24:11] Speaker B: Okay, whatever. Clockwork. Fuck you mean, like, those is all, like, for sure. I appreciate bangers.
[00:24:16] Speaker C: I appreciate that for sure.
[00:24:18] Speaker B: But I do wanna know. So since I've been on to you from the very beginning, most def, what has changed from 2019 up until 2024 in terms of, like, the subject matter? Because with, like, I would say with, like, was it platinum hard poetic pain? You were more, like, on some, like, heartbroken, like, type shit. But now it seems like you more like, admire whoever the muse is.
[00:24:39] Speaker C: Yeah, I won't lie. Like, I think in 2019.
2019. I was young.
I was young and just outside, like, I mean, I was.
[00:24:51] Speaker B: You was starting and Bobby, you feel me?
[00:24:54] Speaker C: I ain't even gonna hold you. I was outside. I was young and I was outside.
[00:24:58] Speaker A: You feel me?
[00:24:58] Speaker C: But it was coming from. It was coming from a sincere place, though. Cause I had came out of a breakup. You feel me?
[00:25:05] Speaker B: And so you were actually broken hearted.
[00:25:08] Speaker C: Yeah, I was. I was hurt. I was hurt. Yeah. I mean, but, like, I grew out of it, you know? You know? But, you know, dudes, we be hurt from, like, our little 2016 crush, like, for. And that junk lasts a long time, you know, like, from when we were 16 years old, that 16 year old crush, getting your heart broke around that time. That junk last. You feel me? So, like, I was going through that. I was going through that at the time, but outside of that, it was like I was outside, too. Like, we was in the streets around that time too. So, like, I was coming from a broken place, it was. I was heartbroken about everything that was going on, you know? Like, I was coming from a broken place. I had friends passing away, I mean, all type stuff, but I just had to.
I think my son really would change me. Like, I ain't gonna lie.
[00:25:51] Speaker A: You think he provided healing for sure.
[00:25:54] Speaker C: For sure. And then, like, one. And then it was, like, one day. The day that my son was born, I actually, like, sat and told myself, like, I gotta change the way that I'm living.
Yeah, I changed the way I'm, like, I gotta change the way I'm living. I can't be out here doing a beef no more. Like, out here doing. Doing the stuff that we was doing. We was wild. Like.
[00:26:14] Speaker A: Yeah, we was wild. I appreciated also, something to point out to the government project, your government name project.
That one had, like, 19 tracks on it, I think.
[00:26:27] Speaker C: Yeah.
[00:26:28] Speaker A: And this one is more. It's 1313. Were you intentional about slimming the project down?
[00:26:32] Speaker C: Because I felt like I had too many great records.
[00:26:34] Speaker A: I felt, like, get overlooked.
[00:26:36] Speaker C: I felt like I got a new CEO at Capital Records, and it's a new team. It's not even about my CEO. It's about the team. And the thing is, I ain't want this project to go overlooked. Show me y'all know what to do with this little bit of songs before I give y'all a full masterpiece. You know, like, I need y'all to be able to get these songs to my fans and let my fans develop these songs the way that they need to be instead of giving y'all 19 tracks and y'all don't know what to do with them.
[00:27:05] Speaker A: So you did want to put more?
[00:27:07] Speaker C: Oh, for sure.
[00:27:08] Speaker A: I hate when artists do that. Or, like, you like Chris Brown and E 40.
[00:27:12] Speaker C: Oh, yeah.
[00:27:12] Speaker A: I ain't gonna listen to 30.
[00:27:13] Speaker C: Goddamn. Not that long. Like, not that long. Not never, never. Not that long. But, like, 17.
[00:27:21] Speaker A: Yeah, you do 17, I'll do 17.
[00:27:25] Speaker C: I do 17 because I total consumption. And it's like. It's a way that you break it up. You just got to break the project up. That's all. You got to break it up. If you give it, give people two sides, give them the hip hop side, and give them the r and b or the pop or whatever.
[00:27:38] Speaker A: So jaded right here is listed online as a hip hop rap project.
[00:27:45] Speaker C: That's r and b project.
[00:27:46] Speaker A: Okay, so I just had this whole thing with Tommy Richmond about, like, r.
[00:27:50] Speaker C: And b. I don't know, bro. Labels do that cuz they be trying to. They don't. They scared to go up against other, other people. Like, they scared to go up against the Sabrina carpenter.
[00:28:02] Speaker A: I never thought about it like that.
[00:28:03] Speaker C: Yeah. Like, you feel me? If it's like, you can make a pop album and your label will still put it as rap and r and b, because they. Or rap. Because they scared us.
[00:28:11] Speaker A: Stand out amongst every year.
[00:28:12] Speaker B: What genre do you think you are?
[00:28:14] Speaker C: Me? Yeah, I'm genreless. You can't even put me in no genre. Like, I. Cuz I could make records.
[00:28:21] Speaker B: When he was dancing in the water. Like an r and b nigga.
[00:28:25] Speaker C: You got records like that, and then you got records like new Corvette. You feel me? Like, you gotta be able to switch it up. But, like, facts. I get in that rain and cry but I hop on a horse and settle up, too. I'm trying to tell you. No, cap. I do what I gotta do.
[00:28:41] Speaker A: I think the. Well, obviously my favorite song, which. Okay, so I want to go back to this. The song I do.
[00:28:48] Speaker C: Yeah, yeah.
[00:28:49] Speaker A: Yourself at money long shout out to.
[00:28:50] Speaker C: Money long shout out to money.
[00:28:51] Speaker A: Man, she killed it.
[00:28:53] Speaker C: Nah, for sure.
[00:28:55] Speaker A: But it was me. You think your A and R and Garrett. We were all in my. We were sitting in my car. Yeah, you was playing me a bunch of songs. You press play on the. I do. Yeah, you lost it immediately, right?
[00:29:06] Speaker B: Head lost it to some R and.
[00:29:07] Speaker C: B. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Crazy, right? Crazy, right?
[00:29:10] Speaker A: Immediately, I'm like, oh, this is it. This is Smash. Like, this is the record. 510 seconds into it.
When do you know that the record is the record?
[00:29:21] Speaker C: I gotta see it. I gotta see it.
[00:29:22] Speaker A: So you don't know when you first.
[00:29:24] Speaker C: Okay, if I could visually see it. If I could visually see something happening to it, then I know, like, all right, like this or smash, like, this might be one of the ones.
[00:29:31] Speaker B: Well, like, you have to visualize a video.
[00:29:33] Speaker C: I gotta visualize the video. I gotta visualize, like, with favorite song. I seen everybody. I seen me being on the stage, like, I like, like, dasso raven type vibe.
[00:29:40] Speaker A: Like, I looked.
[00:29:41] Speaker C: I literally seen me being on a stage with thousands of people with their lights up, singing a song.
[00:29:46] Speaker A: This is why you recording or after it's done?
[00:29:48] Speaker C: This was after it's done. I pressed play, and I stepped back and I was just listening to it.
[00:29:52] Speaker A: And I was like, so you knew what it was gonna be.
[00:29:54] Speaker C: Facts. Instantly. First time I heard it full on through. I'm like, this a hit.
[00:30:00] Speaker B: Most of them on there, though, I can hear in the arena.
[00:30:02] Speaker C: Nah, facts. Yeah, yeah. Nah.
[00:30:04] Speaker B: It feels like constant record.
[00:30:06] Speaker C: And that's what I made this project to be.
[00:30:08] Speaker A: Like.
[00:30:09] Speaker C: I wanted to hear thousands of people singing it. So I try to make them simple, but not too simple.
[00:30:15] Speaker A: Foxy brown.
[00:30:16] Speaker C: Yeah.
[00:30:17] Speaker A: Now, the inspiration behind that, it, like, really, really.
[00:30:21] Speaker C: Okay. Cause it's a few things, and I've been telling people just one of them, but I used to have a little crush on foxy brown.
[00:30:27] Speaker A: Who didn't?
[00:30:28] Speaker C: Yeah. I mean, I used to feel like.
[00:30:30] Speaker A: A little, but outside of that, it.
[00:30:35] Speaker C: Was more so about, like, just brown skin and darker women out there that's like, bro, it's something. Baldo. It is a something about it. It is something about it.
[00:30:46] Speaker B: They crazy. They do something.
[00:30:48] Speaker C: Nah, for sure. For sure.
Nah. But it's something about a woman with a little bit of melanin, though. You heard, like, I don't never want people to get that part misconstrued that, like, we don't love. We don't love them women. Cause I don't lie. Like, I love me a brown skin.
[00:31:05] Speaker B: Or darker one you might be. I feel like you blasted Bryson Tiller are like the artists who are able to be played with both genders. Facts like the niggas use y'all to get.
[00:31:24] Speaker C: Man, I won't lie. I done seen. I done came across my junk on the junk.
[00:31:30] Speaker A: Like, on the hub.
[00:31:32] Speaker C: Yeah. My song be in the background on the hub, man, I ain't know.
[00:31:36] Speaker B: That's crazy.
[00:31:37] Speaker C: I ain't gonna tell you no lies.
[00:31:38] Speaker B: You on x videos.
[00:31:40] Speaker C: X videos. All that I'm on.
[00:31:42] Speaker A: I'm in the back of oxygen.
[00:31:45] Speaker C: I'm like, in the back of people. Twitter.
[00:31:47] Speaker B: What's your timeline look like?
[00:31:51] Speaker C: You can't show the camera. I'm trying to tell you. I wouldn't even be able to scroll through Twitter out on cameras right now.
[00:31:57] Speaker B: Yeah, speaking of that.
[00:31:58] Speaker A: Oh, she got her.
[00:32:00] Speaker B: I'm, like, so nosy, right? I'm nosy as fuck.
So you posted. You said. You said that girl got that.
[00:32:07] Speaker C: Sol de Janeiro.
That girl got that. I'm trying to tell you, she knows something.
[00:32:14] Speaker B: She said if she wear this, eat her butt.
I've been walking around all year without my ass ate.
Ain't nobody trying to mud you going around.
[00:32:27] Speaker C: You gotta get from around these niggas.
[00:32:29] Speaker B: I'm running around, niggas.
[00:32:29] Speaker C: You run around?
[00:32:30] Speaker A: Yeah. Cause I ain't fucking with it, man.
[00:32:33] Speaker C: Smell that, though.
[00:32:34] Speaker A: I can't see. I'm allowed.
[00:32:34] Speaker C: The game started. Three minutes.
I ain't put my picks in. I'm speaking.
[00:32:41] Speaker A: Give me that.
[00:32:42] Speaker B: Let me.
[00:32:42] Speaker A: So what is that supposed to do?
[00:32:44] Speaker B: Get your ass ate.
[00:32:46] Speaker C: I'm trying to tell you here.
[00:32:47] Speaker A: What you mean? So you put that on in, the.
[00:32:50] Speaker C: Nigga gonna eat one. She go outside in the right place right now, they gonna flock to her.
[00:32:56] Speaker B: That's what he said. But I've been walking around all year.
[00:32:59] Speaker C: She ain't been in the right place. She had these rap battles and shit.
She had them rap battles. You gotta get away from them rap battle niggas. Too tough, man. You get around some r and b niggas, shit like that.
One of them light skinned niggas be doing everything you don't do. High yellow. No, don't worry about it. Don't go down. But one of them rv niggas, I'm trying to tell you, they might fuck around. And it's the rap niggas, man. And rap niggas trying to act too cool, buying girls, Birkins, all type of shit like that.
[00:33:30] Speaker A: So all a girl gotta do is get that.
[00:33:32] Speaker C: And yeah, I'm trying to tell you, I'm a fuck it up.
[00:33:36] Speaker B: Have you ever smelled that on the wrong person?
[00:33:39] Speaker A: Right, right smell wrong person.
[00:33:41] Speaker C: Nah. No, never. No, never.
I ain't just out here like I bro, put my pics in for me, huh?
Take. I'm gonna get y'all my picks right now.
Take. Take.
No, bro. NFL right there. Hurry up. Because the take the quarterback Patrick Mahomes, over passing yards.
Take. Elvin Khmer over doing over hunters.
[00:34:17] Speaker A: Yeah. Get it right. Get it right.
[00:34:21] Speaker B: It's 27 seconds.
[00:34:23] Speaker C: Let me see. No, I got to get you right.
[00:34:29] Speaker A: This is amazing.
Hey, you know what's funny? Is somebody driving in a car on hip hop nation, like, what the fuck is going on?
[00:34:37] Speaker C: Where you put your pick? Where you put your picks in it. All right. I took one project, one prediction been changed. Hold up.
Oh, now they tweaking.
See, prize picks me on that hate and shit. They won't be trying to let me get my lineups in. But anyways. Yeah, though, bro, like we just talked about. Yes. So Dejanero. That's what we was talking about. Yeah. That's all degenerative.
[00:35:01] Speaker A: Where.
[00:35:02] Speaker B: So how you discovered it?
[00:35:04] Speaker A: Yes.
[00:35:04] Speaker B: Cuz he was in Sephora with it, like on the picture. He was in there.
[00:35:09] Speaker C: You my son. Mom be wearing it.
[00:35:12] Speaker A: That's how you got the baby?
[00:35:14] Speaker C: Yeah. I don't know. It might be. Cause I didn't even know what it was at first until one day, like, I had seen it and I'm like, oh, this what you be wearing?
[00:35:25] Speaker A: I was getting right.
[00:35:26] Speaker C: Yeah, but I ain't out here just eating ass, though.
[00:35:29] Speaker B: I don't think you were goblin.
[00:35:31] Speaker C: I think when they seen the post, they're like, oh, toosie eating ass. Let me put this on.
[00:35:36] Speaker A: I'm like, come to the show.
[00:35:37] Speaker C: Facts.
[00:35:37] Speaker B: Yeah, whole concert.
[00:35:39] Speaker C: Listen, I start seeing girls and every girl that I was seeing was like.
I'm like, nah, what you doing?
[00:35:47] Speaker A: Oh, and this ain't that.
[00:35:48] Speaker C: Nah, this ain't that.
Why you whipping the bottle out? Yeah, like, hold on. Put that away.
[00:35:54] Speaker A: Just so you know.
[00:35:56] Speaker B: I wonder how much you made. They sales go up 75%, you might get an ad.
[00:36:01] Speaker C: Was that an ad, man? No, I wish it was. I'm trying to tell you. I would've got. I need a percentage. For real. They tweaking.
[00:36:08] Speaker B: Maybe put you in the next commercial.
[00:36:10] Speaker C: Nah. Or something. I wrote a song about it and everything. I had a song about it before. Like, people. Yeah.
[00:36:17] Speaker A: Damn.
[00:36:18] Speaker C: Yeah.
[00:36:18] Speaker A: Okay, well, is there. Okay, my question don't even matter about that shit. I'm not even. I'm not even there.
[00:36:25] Speaker B: You're not eating ass.
[00:36:26] Speaker A: I can't smell, so it don't matter to me.
[00:36:28] Speaker B: So you just eat ass for whatever.
[00:36:29] Speaker A: No, no, you eatin it.
[00:36:32] Speaker C: You can't smell.
[00:36:33] Speaker A: I can't smell.
[00:36:34] Speaker C: Why?
[00:36:34] Speaker A: I just lost it when I was, like, 16.
[00:36:36] Speaker C: Nothing.
[00:36:37] Speaker B: That's fucked up.
[00:36:39] Speaker C: You lying.
[00:36:40] Speaker A: I'm not lying, bro.
[00:36:41] Speaker C: Nothing.
[00:36:42] Speaker A: Okay. If something is extremely putrid, I can smell it. Like, it gotta be pungent. Like, really? Really?
[00:36:48] Speaker B: Food?
[00:36:48] Speaker C: You can smell food?
[00:36:49] Speaker A: No. Like, if you baking cookies, I couldn't smell it.
[00:36:52] Speaker B: I was gonna save this for whole fashions, but when you do the check.
[00:36:56] Speaker C: Yeah, like, you don't even know, bro.
[00:36:59] Speaker A: What would you.
[00:36:59] Speaker C: Bro, that's how you check, though. Like, that's how you know Shorty's straight.
[00:37:04] Speaker A: Well, what you gotta do is. Well, see, I'm a science person.
[00:37:08] Speaker C: Yeah.
[00:37:08] Speaker A: So I also know what the consistency is supposed to be. So I'm looking at, you know, the moisturizer, the viscosity of it. Like.
[00:37:15] Speaker C: Yeah.
[00:37:15] Speaker B: So you looking at it in front of the bitch.
[00:37:18] Speaker A: You look at it and you kind of, like, make sure, like. Like, legal tend to put, like, a blue. Like. Like, you know how you look at a watermark in the bill?
Look at it like you're saying. And you move the. The labia and, you know.
[00:37:33] Speaker C: No.
[00:37:33] Speaker A: Yeah, you. You know what I'm saying? It's a little.
[00:37:36] Speaker C: I'm gonna lie.
[00:37:36] Speaker A: And you let her hit it.
[00:37:37] Speaker C: I'm a lot of. Smell that bitch.
[00:37:39] Speaker B: Smell that shit all day.
[00:37:40] Speaker A: No, you let her.
[00:37:41] Speaker B: She don't know.
[00:37:42] Speaker A: No, you let her not smell it. You, like, taste it? Yeah, just.
[00:37:46] Speaker B: All right.
[00:37:46] Speaker C: I don't lie, though.
That smell gonna tell it, though.
That smell gonna tell it.
[00:37:55] Speaker A: Yeah. I haven't smelled since.
[00:37:56] Speaker C: That's crazy.
[00:37:56] Speaker A: I mean, I've smelled really really bad things. Like if you smell really, really bad, I could smell it. But, like, one day if we kicking it and I stink, you gotta tell me. Cause I don't know.
[00:38:04] Speaker C: That's crazy. Yeah, I was gonna say, how you know?
[00:38:06] Speaker A: You gotta let me know, my nigga. That's why I keep people like her.
[00:38:10] Speaker B: She gonna tell me, you, nigga wouldn't see me again.
[00:38:13] Speaker C: Crazy nigga.
[00:38:15] Speaker B: Wake up. Blocked facts.
[00:38:17] Speaker C: Nah, for real, I'm trying to tell you. I'm same way.
[00:38:21] Speaker A: Same way.
[00:38:23] Speaker B: Well, since we here.
[00:38:24] Speaker A: Oh, yeah, go ahead.
[00:38:25] Speaker B: So I have a podcast called whole fetions where rappers allow me to dig deep into they business.
[00:38:30] Speaker C: Okay, come on.
[00:38:30] Speaker B: I have two cards in my hand. One card says spit, the other card says swallow. Oh, if you pick the card that says swallow, you have to let me search your phone. We not gonna drink nothing.
[00:38:40] Speaker C: Oh, okay.
[00:38:41] Speaker A: Ain't no fluids being exchanged.
[00:38:45] Speaker C: If. What? What happened?
[00:38:46] Speaker B: So interesting. He heard phone. This nigga done gripped the phone.
[00:38:51] Speaker C: I heard. Go ahead, go ahead, swallow. What you say?
[00:38:55] Speaker B: So if you pick the card that says swallow, you gotta let me search your phone for the word swallow. If you pick the card that says spit, you have to spit. A freestyle. Choose wisely.
[00:39:05] Speaker A: You gotta go.
[00:39:06] Speaker C: Nah, you can search this swallow. 0000. I was gonna say swallow.
[00:39:12] Speaker B: Swallow, baby. Okay.
[00:39:15] Speaker C: Oh, you said spit. A freestyle. Yeah, wait, just let me. I ain't. Let me. It's whatever one I turned over. How about that? Yeah, just let me. I got a.
There we go.
[00:39:31] Speaker A: What does it say? It says swallow.
[00:39:33] Speaker C: Yeah.
[00:39:34] Speaker A: All right, so go ahead. So you gonna go. Where you gonna go in the text message or the DM's and search for the word swallow.
[00:39:43] Speaker B: I'm a savage. I go to the DM. The full search.
[00:39:47] Speaker A: Oh, just the phone?
[00:39:49] Speaker B: Yeah, just at the top.
[00:39:51] Speaker A: Okay. Search the word swallow.
[00:39:53] Speaker B: All right.
[00:39:57] Speaker C: I don't even use the word swallow.
[00:39:59] Speaker B: This is a new phone.
[00:40:00] Speaker A: This is a new phone.
[00:40:01] Speaker B: It's a new phone.
[00:40:02] Speaker A: I don't use the word.
[00:40:03] Speaker C: I don't use the word swallow.
[00:40:05] Speaker A: Don't know how to use that word.
[00:40:07] Speaker C: I don't use the word swallow.
[00:40:10] Speaker A: Huh?
[00:40:11] Speaker C: Don't know.
[00:40:12] Speaker B: Damn.
[00:40:13] Speaker A: What?
[00:40:14] Speaker B: He don't got nothing.
[00:40:15] Speaker C: I don't use the word swallow.
[00:40:16] Speaker B: I know where I'm gonna find it at.
[00:40:17] Speaker A: Give him his phone back. He ain't got no swallow.
[00:40:20] Speaker C: You go in the DM's or search.
[00:40:21] Speaker B: I'm at the top of the DM.
[00:40:24] Speaker C: It's probably gonna be a moved around. That's probably gonna be a girl saying, yeah, I don't know. So that's like celebrity DM shit. They give it your DM look. My DM look totally different from.
[00:40:34] Speaker B: Would you like to sue a little bit?
[00:40:36] Speaker C: You see, not from me.
[00:40:39] Speaker A: It ain't nothing in there.
[00:40:41] Speaker C: It's a process.
[00:40:41] Speaker B: It is.
[00:40:42] Speaker C: It's a girl saying something about swallow.
[00:40:46] Speaker A: It's a girl.
[00:40:48] Speaker C: Oh, yeah, what'd she say? Can I swallow everything on your menu?
[00:40:52] Speaker A: On your menu? Oh, I like that.
[00:40:54] Speaker C: That was why you ain't read it.
[00:40:57] Speaker B: I don't play with people.
[00:40:58] Speaker A: God.
[00:40:59] Speaker C: He said, you good.
You can read all of these. You can read all these. Ain't none of these me.
[00:41:08] Speaker A: It's all them.
[00:41:09] Speaker C: It's all girls. Like girls, but that you could.
[00:41:12] Speaker A: She say, she said, what?
[00:41:14] Speaker C: If you search up. If you search up, like, you could search up crazy words in my DM's, they. They be in my.
[00:41:21] Speaker A: What did it say? What did it say? Swallow.
[00:41:22] Speaker C: What did it say, man? Read it.
[00:41:26] Speaker A: What does it say?
[00:41:27] Speaker B: You ever been sucked through a straw?
[00:41:29] Speaker A: Damn, you want me to swallow?
[00:41:38] Speaker C: They be here.
[00:41:39] Speaker A: What does it say?
[00:41:39] Speaker C: They be saying some stuff I've never heard before. I ain't never been sucked through no straw.
[00:41:45] Speaker B: Suck the nigga through a straw. It's crazy.
[00:41:54] Speaker C: And then some of these people be deleting their account after they like. Yeah.
[00:41:57] Speaker B: Cause it wouldn't let me open one of them.
[00:41:58] Speaker C: This person say, I wanna suck your dick and swallow your cum, and then it just won't even let you open the rest.
[00:42:03] Speaker A: Yeah, that's wild.
[00:42:05] Speaker B: Well, shout out to those ladies with the very strong jaws.
[00:42:09] Speaker C: Mm hmm.
[00:42:10] Speaker B: Out there, I just seen a clip of a girl. She. She just looked dead in the camera, and then she put a straw inside the peanut butter and said, if you know, you know.
[00:42:19] Speaker A: Oh, shit.
[00:42:20] Speaker C: And she was sucking the peanut butter.
[00:42:21] Speaker A: Yeah, but that ain't, that ain't pleasurable, though. Like, when it. When you like. Never mind.
[00:42:26] Speaker B: Yeah, let's. Let's save it for whole fishes.
[00:42:27] Speaker C: Mm hmm. Mm hmm.
[00:42:29] Speaker A: All right.
Anyway, that was it.
[00:42:32] Speaker C: That was the two cards.
[00:42:33] Speaker A: Yeah, that was it.
[00:42:34] Speaker B: Easy, right?
Oh, don't I go to work.
[00:42:38] Speaker C: Don't pull out no more. Don't pull out no more cards.
I ain't got no business. No business.
[00:42:45] Speaker A: I do want to ask you, as far as being, like, now that you're a celebrity, you're an established artist and stuff like that, you also talked about the love kind of like, being shifted because of everything that people want from you. Are you still one of them people who look forward to the recording process or you look forward to doing the shows or which one is the one for you?
[00:43:05] Speaker C: I like doing the shows. I like seeing the people. Like, as long as I can see the people, touch the people. I think that's. That's. That's a big thing for you.
[00:43:11] Speaker A: Do you plan on doing any meet and greets?
[00:43:13] Speaker C: Yeah, for sure.
[00:43:14] Speaker A: Because you.
[00:43:15] Speaker C: Because my meet and greets get a little out.
[00:43:17] Speaker B: They don't turn.
[00:43:18] Speaker A: We didn't. I think the reason why I'm asking is specifically for what you do.
[00:43:22] Speaker C: Yeah.
[00:43:22] Speaker A: Your fan base being what it is, these meet and greets have kind of turned into, like, what gender reveals are in black community. Like, they just. Wow, now.
[00:43:29] Speaker C: Yeah, yeah. My meet and greets get wild.
[00:43:31] Speaker A: Right.
[00:43:31] Speaker C: That. Pleasure to Chris Brown, though.
[00:43:33] Speaker A: You know what I mean?
[00:43:34] Speaker C: Shout out to him.
[00:43:34] Speaker B: What's the wildest thing that's happened at a meet and greet?
[00:43:36] Speaker C: Oh, they be flashing they titties, everything. Yeah. They got.
[00:43:40] Speaker A: They pull out the little. What's the shit called?
[00:43:42] Speaker C: Yeah, they be.
[00:43:42] Speaker A: What, the little perfume.
[00:43:45] Speaker C: Oh, yeah. No, no, no, not yet. Cause I ain't been on the road.
[00:43:47] Speaker A: Oh.
[00:43:47] Speaker C: I mean, I just.
[00:43:48] Speaker B: The whole show gonna smell like that.
[00:43:50] Speaker C: I wouldn't be surprised. I wouldn't be surprised.
[00:43:53] Speaker B: You low key. I mean, they need to set up a little booth or something at the concert.
[00:43:56] Speaker C: Matter of fact, that'll be hard. We might gotta start bringing it. I mean, that might be a little.
[00:44:01] Speaker A: Proportional shout out to rye wave, for sure. And, like, are you looking forward to, like, I know you like to do, like, intimate shows where it's just, like, small room. We talked about this before. Do you like doing the big ass arenas or you, like, show?
[00:44:16] Speaker C: Cause I rock it. It feel. Still feel like I'm in a small place, you know what I mean? Until I get to that, like, 100,000. That's why it's all small to me. Cause I seen all of this happening. This all small. This ain't nothing yet.
[00:44:28] Speaker A: Well, you. Anything? You got anything else?
[00:44:31] Speaker C: She ready.
[00:44:32] Speaker A: She wanted business. Bullshit.
[00:44:34] Speaker C: I should never say, you gotta pull.
[00:44:36] Speaker B: Up to my shit.
[00:44:38] Speaker A: Yeah, you go to go to go to her shit. And she can get all in that. But that was crazy, though. What?
[00:44:45] Speaker B: That was crazy.
[00:44:46] Speaker A: A little bit.
[00:44:46] Speaker C: What?
[00:44:47] Speaker A: What I say?
[00:44:47] Speaker C: What'd you say? What'd you say?
[00:44:48] Speaker A: What'd I say?
[00:44:48] Speaker C: You just said something crazy.
[00:44:49] Speaker A: I said pull up her shit so.
[00:44:51] Speaker B: She can get all in that.
[00:44:53] Speaker A: Oh, my God. Anyway, false culture.
[00:44:55] Speaker B: You can't say.
[00:44:56] Speaker A: You can't say nothing.
False culture.
Thank you, bro, for always showing love. Always pulling up.
Like I said this. I do record we're gonna keep running it up and keep playing it. And I wanted to do everything that we think it could do. It's other songs on there, but I'm.
[00:45:13] Speaker B: Definitely getting dressed to pretty girl anthem.
[00:45:16] Speaker C: Nah, for sure, for sure. I need you to.
[00:45:18] Speaker A: I need you to. But yeah, go ahead and introduce it for hip hop nation and then we'll get into it.
[00:45:22] Speaker C: Know what it is? It's the big step of the well known flexitusy. And you rocking with hip hop nation. Make sure you check out. I do right now.